Regardless of if you are an iPhone / iPod fan or not, 500 million downloads in a year and a half half a year is impressive…
Apple App Store Tops 500 Million Downloads
by Robb Dunewood | Jan 16, 2009 | BlackBerry | 23 comments

- How Important Are 3rd Party Apps? - [...] this mean the iPhone’s leadership will be hard to unseat? From RIMarkable: “Regardless of if you are an iPhone…
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Actually, it is 500 million in half a year. The App store went live just this last summer. Amazing.
But arn’t they all $1. If the BB apps were $1 we would have similar numbers.
No, they’re not.
we? “If the BB apps were $1 we would have similar numbers.” No we would not, not even close. Why make such outlandish statements? Being a BB enthusiast is one thing, great, but reality should prevail. Know BB announced back in Oct 08 they wanted to follow Apple’s lead by starting a App store, but again there is no way RIM will out Apple Apple. A BB App store will benefit BB customer though and thats whats important.
I agree. The Application Center won’t have reach half a billion downloads in 6 months nor will it host 15000 applications as quickly.
It will be interesting to see just how popular a carrier supported application center will be.
Personally, I think that an Application Center hosted by RIM independently of the carriers would be much more useful and popular.
Thing to remember is that 90+% of those apps are useless, if not more. While ‘some’ of the apps may be useful, let’s keep the numbers in a realistic perspective. It’s like Lehman Brothers announcing great earnings two years ago on paper, but the reality is that it’s riddled with junk.
In your opinion.
After Watching a mother hand over her iPhone on a plane to her 4 or 5 year, and watching him shut up and play with it instead of being the brat he was the first 20 min of the flight, my thoughts on usefulness of some apps was forever changed.
Granted the app store runs the gamet, I’d rather have too many options then be neglected
Mathematically, you’d have to download over 1,000+ applications in order to make that statement false, while the percentage continues to grow. Additionally, look at some of the programs, with poor feedback and the inability to deliver. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a few applications I can’t do without, but the numbers reported, while true, are flawed. Downloads that have been erased, etc. It’s just a realistic view.
“90+% of those apps are useless, if not more.”
Hmmmm I agree with gquaglia, maybe thats your opinion. However reality and truth clearly show and say other wise. Why the continued, desperate attempt to belittle Apple’s success’s? Do such posts make some somehow feel better about BB’s? The point is by following Apple’s lead RIM’s BB app center should be a benefit to consumers. RIM will never see the massive numbers Apple is seeing when it comes to app’s and that’s OK, no need to be upset about that. It’s good enough to know RIM is reacting positively and coming up with something which will be a value to consumers, something BB customers want.
“but the reality is that it’s riddled with junk.”
One could also claim the same with RIM’s dropping the ball on the Storm and Bold. It’s not a good sign at all when BB enthusiast’s, and worse joe and jane consumer are returning RIM’s flagship BB’s and going back to the older, more stable, more productive BB’s.
Don’t worry, be happy. If using a BB and not a iPhone is causing so much trauma switch to what makes you feel better. But when it comes to Apple and especially it’s proven and massively successful app store be thankful. RIM should be able to learn alot when it comes to following Apple’s lead making the BB app center worth while and a benefit to BB and it’s customers. Do you not think for a second that RIM’s lead on handheld devices was learned from by Apple when it came to the iPhone?
Clearly success for one doesn’t mean the other is doing poorly, one can even use and like both. When Robb posts Apple success news it doesn’t mean RIM is not successful too, neither are “useless” or “junk”.
@ The Rock…
“Don’t get me wrong, there’s a few applications I can’t do without..”
I guess you can’t read between the lines. But I guess I should expect that from you though…perhaps I should help you out here. I do have a BB, and actually went back to my Pearl after trying out the Storm. Solid device and I love it (the Pearl). Disappointed with the Storm however. As for my other phone, it’s an iPhone. I use it as a personal device and love it, even with the browser crashes and spotty 3G service from AT&T. I’m just pointing out ‘reality’ in my comments.
Do you have over 1,500 apps downloaded on your device? That’s what it would take to exceed 10% with that number growing as I pointed out. Get my point? This isn’t a BB vs. iPhone thing, this is a reality check of sexy marketing by Apple. Oh…and I use a MBP. And I have an iPod. So there’s no hate on my end regarding Apple.
There is no reason to get personal while trying to defend a poor post. It shows a real lack of class and grasp of reality.
@ The Rock
Class? That’s funny coming from you.
Can’t come up with a “realistic” reason to desperately try to belittle Apple’s success, or questioning Robb being fooled into posting “sexy marketing by Apple”. Desperate and continued belittling of Apple and the wild success of the iPhone and iTunes App’s Store will not help RIM produce better BB’s for us. If anything Apple’s proven success with the iPhone, and the iTunes App Store is the reason for RIM pushing forward with BB’s such as the Storm and the Bold, and pushing forward with the BB Application Center. The facts clearly show Apple’s iTunes app store’s 15,000+ app choices and 500+ million downloads is NOT at all “useless”, “junk”, or “flawed”. It would be foolish to think RIM is being fooled by “sexy marketing by Apple” and that is what’s driving RIM to develop more consumer friendly, more media friendly devices and to open the BB Application Center wishing they get even close to half of Apple’s 15,000+ app choices and 500+ million downloads in a half a year.
Either way Apple’s 15,000+ app choices and 500+ million downloads and RIM’s BB Application Center are a plus for both the companies and their customers.
“I think that an Application Center hosted by RIM independently of the carriers would be much more useful and popular.”
I agree. Keep the applications store / center independent of the service providers. The service providers have shown time and time again they are not able to remain neutral enough when it comes to allowing options on the dumbphones, it would be only worse when it comes to smartphones and service provider interference.
@ The Rock
You just don’t get it, but that’s OK.
I think at some point RIM needs to take its OS to a whole new level to take advantage of the power available to them in their devices.
Let’s face it…the current RIM OS is basically the same old OS just w/ some eye candy cobbled on top of it. That’s one reason why the Storm is kind of disappointing in its software; the OS is really not designed to run a touchscreen only device.
Apple has a far more powerful OS, and apparently now Palm does as well.
Software determines success in computing devices moreso than anything. RIM’s advantage has always been the software the propelled its push email system, and that advantage still holds. But in all other regards RIM is falling behind software-wise.
It sometimes amazes me the conversation a post with 20 words and a picture can provoke.
I say again, half a billion downloads in roughly 6 months is an impressive feat.
I share the opinion that the vast majority of the 15,000 applications hosted on the App Store are less than useful, however, that makes 500,000,000 downloads in 6 months even more impressive… Doesn’t it?
Well said.
i like my BB…
(and my iPhone).
that number, 500 M+; that is impressive. why are ppl so quick to be a dick on blog posts like this?!
just wondering. : )
unbelievable, that’s a lot of apps.
bluehorseshoe…….I agree with you. Just how many “flashlight” or “beer glass” apps do you need to see it is a joke?? An app to make your phone fart?? WOW!! I don’t know how we got by without it. Last I counted, there was 8 Bible apps in there. Not one app fixes any of the short comings that the iPhone has. Apple won’t allow it. THAT is the problem with the app store. So, get your iPhone, load up Magic 8 ball, and have fun. Or Zippo, and impress your friends with your lighter skillz. It is why I went back to my Curve, and soon to have Bold. Apple had a great plan…..Put out a cool product that does nothing, and sit back and let others develope your programing. If they would have only “let it be” and let people truely make the phone great, RIM would have been in trouble. But, Apple being Apple, couldn’t do that. Now, if you jail break and unlock the phone, then you really have something. But, should you have to??