Apple is making sure that they get the word out that about the upcoming iPhone as they just aired an iPhone commercial during the Oscars. We will update this post with a video as soon as someone sticks one up on YouTube.
UPDATE: View the iPhone Oscars commercial after the jump…
The ad is up at Google Video:
First thoughts: A great ad…and perfect for an ad shown during the Academy awards…also, it harkens back to Jobs landmark presentation showing the original Mac, where the computer said “Hello”…
HD version of the ad:
If you look you will see the network icon is now reading at&t rather than Cingular, which of course makes sense…
I’ve been at work for 1 hour and 27 minutes and I’ve been asked if I’ve seen that iPhone commerical 5 times thus far. I think that it is safe to say that Apple got their money’s worth.
I really, really dislike it.
Actually, the concept I like, but I don’t think it works for the iPhone.
Probably just me.
The big question, is, if you saw it last night, did you remember it this morning?
That is a good point Rob. I saw the commercial last night and thought that it was kind of cheesy but I did remember it this morning.
The interesting thing is that any cell phone company in the world could have created a commercial like that to air during the Academy awards, and yet none ever did. Pity for them. It’s a very elegant ad for the context of the Academy awards.
You’re absolutely right Thought. You’ve got to give it to Apple… They’ know their marketing.