I’ll give credit where credit is due. To say that Apple’s App Store has had an impressive first year would be an enourmous understatment. Here are a few of the details from the App Stores first 365 days:
- 1.5 Billion Downloads
- 65,000 Applications
- Over 100,000 iPhone Developers
What does Steve Jobs have to say to RIM, Google, Palm, and everyone else trying to build their own application storefront that emulates (in some cases poorly) the App Store?
Good Luck…
C’mon Robb. You know you want one. Why don’t you break down and buy an iPhone?
Believe it or not, I switched from a BlackBerry 8700 on AT&T to the iPhone 3G when it first came out and have now switched back to the new BlackBerry Curve. I dropped my iPhone and broke it about a month before the iPhone 3Gs came out so I switched back to my BlackBerry 8700 just until the new iPhone came out. The problem was that I fell back in love with my BlackBerry.
As far as applications, and App World go, Apple wins hands down and it is almost silly for RIM to try to compete. Web browsing is still kind of a joke compared to the iPhone but not as bad as before. Pretty much everything else though, the BlackBerry wins. It is a better phone and you can actually effectively text and send email which is the main reason that I switched back.
Maybe if the iPhone ever gets a keyboard I might switch back to it, but, right now, my Curve is the shiznit. I bought an iPod Touch just so I don’t loose my investment in the couple of hundred bucks of apps I bought for the iPhone. I only had 2 apps that I paid money for that required the iPhone as compared to iPod Touch.
I have the orginal iPhone and was thinking about going to the Curve 8900 as well. My two years is up at the end of August so it is time for me to get a new phone anyway. I think you might have the forumula of getting a BlackBerry and an iPod Touch. Kind of like having the best of both worlds.
Its not really like having the best of both worlds because as soon as you are out of WiFi range, you’re not doing any of the stuff on the iPod touch that requires an internet connection.
I have both a BlackBerry 8800 and an iPhone 3G S. My BlackBerry doesn’t come out the holster unless it is a for work. I will give you that texting on the BlackBerry is a little bit faster if you are sending long messages, but, we are talking about a couple of words per minute for most people.
Actually it is like having the best of both worlds. My school has campus wide wifi. Plus most of my games and stuff don’t require a connection anyway. I mostly only use text, facebook, twitter, and myspace when I am out and about anyway. From what I hear, the BlackBerry is better for those types of apps anyway…
“From what I hear” is always very different from reality.
More blackberry users will learn (when RIM stops letting certain service providers cripple and remove functions, like WiFi) Why cellular and WiFi is a must have on smartphones. Wifi is great when it’s available, it’s less taxing on the battery and is quicker than any 3G technology out there, but Wifi doesn’t have the foot print of cellular.
What in the world could this post possibly have to do with “certain service providers” and those devices not having wifi? C’mon man, we know your stance on “certain service providers” but seriously, this post references the iPhone, the Blackberry 8700, and the BlackBerry Curve 8900, all devices which run on AT&T and, less the 8700, have WiFi.
“Apple wins hands down and it is almost silly for RIM to try to compete.” Right! No one is going to out Apple, Apple. BUT just to keep relevant RIM need to do their best to give it’s BB customers anything which even seems like what Apple is leading the industry with. The iPhone alone was a major industry changer, add the iPhone app store to the mix all the others are getting further and further in the rear view mirror.
Believe it or not the iPhone keyboard can be much quicker than using the old style keyboards found in yesterdays smartphones.
Most newer BB’s do have WiFi:
8900 – check! (TMO/ATT))
9000 – check! (ATT)
8820 – check! (TMO/ATT)
8320 – check! (TMO/ATT)
8220 – check! (TMO)
8120 – check! (TMO)
9020 Onxy/Drftwood – check! (TMO/ATT)
8230 – no (Verizon)
9530 – no (Verizon)
9630 – no (Verizon)
8230 – no (Verizon)
9530 – no (Verizon)
9630 – no (Verizon)
Why not?
Probably for the same reason the iPhone doesn’t have a keyboard, removable battery, the ability to run multiple applications simultaneously, permison to connect to my corporate exchange account because of security concerns, and because Verizon knows that not putting wifi in their devices pisses you off personally which they like to to do for shits and giggles.
I have the orginal iPhone and was thinking about going to the Curve 8900 as well.