So, if you are a Verizon BlackBerry subscriber and you use AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), we’ve got some great news for you.
You are now able to download AIM for your Verizon BlackBerry from the help site.
Enjoy 🙂
So, if you are a Verizon BlackBerry subscriber and you use AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), we’ve got some great news for you.
You are now able to download AIM for your Verizon BlackBerry from the help site.
Enjoy 🙂
I saw something about AOL/AIM/RIM compatability LATE last night (looked like a press release) on PinStack and was very confused…
So I went to the page to download the client and expected to be denied, BUT NO! It let me install it!
Apparently Verizon/RIM/AOL came to an agreement on something recently. I’m interested to hear what went down.
Now Verizon blackberry users wont have to waste SMS with the Verizon client, pay for a client, or use a crappy free client!
It works wonderfully. My only complaint, so far, is that custom status messages set you as “away.” I cant find away to set a custom “available” status.
Is this program going to drain my minutes or data?
No. It uses your BIS (or BES) data package. Not minutes or SMS.
I’ve been running it the past few days alongside Google Talk with moderate usage and it doesn’t even really seem to drain my battery more than usual – another plus.
I have the blackberry curve on verizon. I went to on my blackberry and couldn’t find the app. i’d love to get any help? i’d prefer it to be able to gotten ota.
not to be a jerk, but Google/HowardForums are your friend… on your phone, enjoy.
I just downloaded AIM to my Blackberry Pearl. My carrier is Verizon. I’ve been trying to find out if it really only uses data, or if I’m going to be charged per im as SMS messages. I’ve been ready different message boards and ppl seem to have conflicting ideas about it. Verizons customer service staff are clueless when it comes to BB apps. Can someone please help me and clear this up??
If you downloaded it from BlackBerry then it will only use your data.
If you downloaded it from Verizon then it will waste your SMS.
Does this clear it up for you? If not email me: ben AT benpike DOT net
Yes! That helped immensely. Thank you. I downloaded it from I have unlimited data, but not unlimited text, so I was a little worried, but not anymore. Thanks again!
So I’ve been trying it out and I love it, but I do have a few complaints. A: (someone else mentioned this) I cannot customize my available status. B: I cannot send IMs to a user who’s status is invisible. C: I cannot see other users custom away messages, only their status.
Any help would be appreciated. Or do I just have to deal with it? I may go back to jivetalk…
you’re welcome. glad i could help.
A) yeah i noticed this as well… no way around it that I could find.
B) Isn’t that the point of them being invisible?
C) Yeah this bugs me too, but not a deal breaker.
I think JiveTalk is STILL the best chat app available for the BlackBerry. But if you dont wanna shell out the $30 for it…. the official AIM app will do just fine.
Jivetalk is great if you use more than one account for IMing, which I do not. I only use AIM, making the BB app perfect, if only it wouldn’t have those flaws.
As for point B, I know a few ppl who prefer to stay invisible vs blocking someone. Sounds silly. But when I was trying to respond to someone who was set to invisible, it just told me the message could not be sent, the user was offline. I then switched to jivetalk and was able to talk just fine. Minor annoyance, but is it worth $30?
I currently have both Jivetalk and AIM installed on my phone. I’m just trying to decide whether or not to shell out the $30 once the free trial of Jivetalk expires.
My biggest problem with aim is that I am able to sign on and see my buddy list. Yet no one on my buddylist sees me online and don’t receive my ims. I am not on invisible so I don’t know why. What gives ??
Hey i LOVE this, but i was just wondering.. does this cost extra money to be signed onto or no?
Yes they charge 99 cents per message. Does anyone get unable to contact server when you are signed in for a long time ? I get kicked every hour or so. Btw jk about the charge its free
@ Matt:
It only uses data… so as long as you have a data plan you’ll be fine.
Someonee help , please ( with my previous post ) .
@ ama:
Have you tried un-installing and re-installing?
I know there was a minor update recently…
Am I going to be view all my buddies online? Because the last time I had a blackberry, I could only view several of my friends, not all.
@ Maegan
I have not ran into this issue yet.
Ok so I took your advice Ben and re installed AIM. My problem now is that when I IM people they are not able to repsond because it says I’m offline. My status is available and I’m not signed on to AIM elsewhere. Any ideas why ?
are you running AIM version 2.1.37?
what Blackberry OS version are you running?
Yes I am running the version of AIM . My blackberry OS is
Can I ask why aim on my blackberry curve cant be just as good as the one on any sidekick?
So I have the Storm and i downloaded gTalk from the app center. Does that mean I got it from Blackberry or Verizon?
Is the blackberry storm AIM that comes with the phone free (DATA) or SMS text?
i dont think i have data and i downloaded AIM from my blackberry…HOW do I uninstall it?
Ama, I am having the same problem as you, and so are others. Please email me if you find a solution (anybody reading) so I can help some other people as well:
Elise, under the options (wrench) button, Advanced Options, Applications: click an application you don’t want, and then select “delete.”
how do i download it from my blackberry storm?