Back in May of last year we wrote a post asking how long will it take for Verizon to release the BlackBerry Curve, and, 462 comments later, the conversation on that post is going as strong as ever.
There are rumors floating around that Verizon may come with the CDMA BlackBerry Curve as soon as the end of this month, however, I am still going with some right around WES, about a month later.
I know many RIMarkable readers just don’t understand why Verizon subscribers would stick with a company that doesn’t offer the phones that they want up to a year after they come out on GSM networks in some cases. The comments, however, in this particular post, which seem to have been picking up steam as of late, give some insight intto the minds of Verizon subscribers who are upset that they can’t get the BlackBerry Curve, but, rely on Verizon’s network so much that they don’t feel they can switch, or, in some cases, switch back after leaving to get the GSM Curve.
I am not saying that they are right or wrong, misguided or misinformed. I am saying that I understand. As millions of Verizon subscribers believe, I think that Verizon has the best network out there and that it is so much better than the competitions that we are willing to forgo new devices on GSM carriers. Verizon, however, needs to take note. I also believe that many of these “loyal” Verizon subscribers would switch in a heartbeat to a GSM carrier the moment they feel like the GSM networks have the network coverage and speed of Verizon’s network.
It’s a dangerous game you play Verizon. If T-Mobile or AT&T upgrades their networks to 3G everywhere and fill in the coverage gaps that they are notorious for having before you either move to LTE or convince manufactures to come out with CDMA devices at a faster pace, you could see your earnings shrink faster than Sprints.
Let’s hope it’s this month. Verizon has got to have noticed how wanted and hyped up this phone is by now.
A good question to ask is how much control does Verizon have on when RIM releases CDMA devices. Even though Verizon is CDMA, most carriers are GSM so it seems to me that the manufacturer would want to come out with devices that address the broader global market first.
The GSM carriers (AT&T and T-Mobile) already have the curve and have had it for some time, so it seems that RIM already addressed the ‘global market’ of GSM carriers first. Now we’re just trying to speculate when the Curve will be released to Verizon.
Amen to that article Robb. When At&t gets the next 3G Berry with at least a 2.0 cam (don’t know why they would downgrade) & QWERTY it’s going to take a lot for me not to port over. The only reason I didn’t keep my at&t Curve was because the voice quality over EDGE stunk in my area and the data was too slow.
I know that GSM is undoubtedly the global standard. I also know that the Blackberry isn’t nearly as big outside the U.S. and Canada as it is within. I think I heard that over 70% of all BlackBerrys are sold in the US. Does anyone know what the U.S. breakdown is to GSM Blackberries to CDMA Blackberries?
Oh Jesus…. Robb you think the BB Curve is going to be released around mid May or slightly before? This indeed leads to the fact that if Verizon does release at such a late date, what’s the point of releasing it at all… I have no doubt that AT&T will try to build hype for an additional smart phone by making promises of the expected touch-screen BB at WES so that they can garner the market. The Iphone with soon to trend away but pick up steam as the Itouch makes its way to the market in what could be December ’08. (more realistically March ’09)
I think you point out the key message that this forum has undoubtedly stated directly and indirectly which was “It’s a dangerous game you play Verizon. If T-Mobile or AT&T upgrades their networks to 3G everywhere and fill in the coverage gaps that they are notorious for having before you either move to LTE or convince manufactures to come out with CDMA devices at a faster pace, you could see your earnings shrink faster than Sprints.”
I’m sure all of us have had 2nd thoughts of switching carriers due to the late release date of this single phone. No one likes to be second fiddle to inferior technology and I’d suspect this may be a turning point for Verizon with its customers whether it be crash and burrn or making it clear that they need to demand more from their suppliers.
The reason that I stay with Verizon with my Blackberry is that I can tether my laptop to get online for an additonal $15/month at decent speeds using usb on my Macbook. The network is great for me in the US as well.
When this ability becomes available as a 3G Blackberry (or maybe 3G iphone) I will be tempted to sway to ATT.
It does suck waiting, though the 8830 came out pretty quickly(what I have now). Was going to pick up a used Pearl to get a camera but all these Curve rumors have me waiting.
This all sounds so deja-vue. I was able to tolerate the ATT Curve for 8 days and felt that long term exposure to the network would violate my Geneva Convention rights. However, I would definitely be right there with the rest if the network and coverage issues were settled. I have even considered trying TMO in the interim, but now I will hold out for another 1-2 months. The sad part is that this problem has been there for years and there is not a shred of evidence that they “get it” and will change.
I have a Blackberry (World Edition) and live in Vermont which is not serviced by AT&T, so I’m stuck and forced to wait until Verizon offers new products. I
would love to have a GSM based Blackberry and utilize Google’s GPS services.
As everyone on the other post is saying (as well as myself), VZW, please release the curve already!
But the more time passes, maybe it’s time to change my position…ATT, please upgrade your networks and coverage already!
As Robb speculated in his article, if I knew ATT had the same coverage I’d be gone in a heartbeat.
The problem is that it takes a lot of time and money to upgrade networks and VZW knows that. Unlike releasing a new handset, you cannot do that very quickly.
So it’s a race…VZW to switch over to LTE and merge into the GSM family, and ATT to beef up their network. My guess is that both will occur at about the same time; neither will allow the other to get a sizable competitive advantage.
As for TMo, they are way too small a carrier to get their network up to the coverage of VZW. It’s basically up to ATT to be the true competition to VZW.
Lexie –
I couldn’t agree with you more. If AT&T was up to par with Verizon, I would have switched last fall when I first started eyeing the curve.
Honestly, the price I would pay for my AT&T BB Curve plus and early termination fee from Verizon wouldn’t be that much more than what the BB curve would cost by itself when it’s finally released on verizon. Monthly service costs would be down too, making AT&T a great deal if only the coverage was as good.
It’s very true, Verizon seems to be playing with fire, just seeing how far they can push the limit, knowing that when it comes down to it, people need coverage and that’s what they do best. It’s really too bad. I’m willing to stick around until the end of March, possibly even mid April but that’s it for me. I’m sick of waiting around.
Don’t think verizon has all the blame on the lack of a cdma Curve. Has it even been the standard year since the GSM Curve has been released?
Does one even expect verizon to get it’s hands on the Curve first? If memory serves, all the posted “sneak peaks” of the rumored cdma Curve the UI seemed to be linked to Sprint.
I guess since you brought up the other technology and players….
There are two things in this discussion which still continue to confuse, heck they might even be fud.
1) 1xEV-DO (the high speed data technology often praised that verizon uses) “offers data rates up to 2.4 mbps, averaging 300-600 kbps in the real world”. Compared with AT&T 3G network now delivers typical downlink speeds ranging between 600 and 1,400 Kilobits per second (Kbps), as well as faster uplink speeds, ranging from 500 and 800 Kilobits per second (Kbps).
Not Apple vs Apple, not even 3G vs 3G, more 2.75G (EDGE) vs 3G (1xEV-DO), might not even be absolute (which wireless technology certainly is not) but think it calms down the “I need verizon for the data speed” just a small amount
A)Is verizon’s 1xEV-DO available network wide?
B)The Blackberry, the way it’s designed (with the server doing the heavy lifting and formating) doesn’t itself require, or benefit wildly from 3G technology, tethering would be however be a reason for wanting 1xEV-DO or HSDPA/UMTS.
C)Where are all these service coverage issue area’s which are being fud’ed as only a GSM problem? Been plenty of places with GSM devices and have not found many. The same goes for cdma when it comes to service service coverage issue area’s, one is not better than the other, been plenty of places with cdma devices and have found many area without decent cdma coverage. For most, don’t think one service provider is any better than the next. Certainly in large metro area’s ALL providers are strong.
Can’t find breakdown numbers between service providers but have found
“No other wireless carrier in the world has more BlackBerry subscribers than AT&T.”
AT&T Announces Major 3G Expansion in 2008
Cities Supporting AT&T 3G/Mobile Broadband
I’m with Thought
“The problem is that it takes a lot of time and money to upgrade networks and VZW knows that. Unlike releasing a new handset, you cannot do that very quickly.”
(verizon upgrading to GSM/LTE, and att upgrading to HSDPA/UMTS/LTE) Time, money and lets not forget those blocking wireless providers from building needed infrastructure to provide the quality service we customers demand.
“So it’s a race…VZW to switch over to LTE and merge into the GSM family, and ATT to beef up their network. My guess is that both will occur at about the same time; neither will allow the other to get a sizable competitive advantage.”
I also agree it’s never going to be one or the other, heck it’s never going to be just verizon and att in the wireless service provider mix either. What I do like is all are moving to the same standard, open, global technology.
So many issues could have been solved, IMO the NA wireless technology could be much further ahead if it were not for multiple technologies competing, morphing, and worse a arrogant and greedy organization like qualcomm patenting, and need to constantly be in the courthouse. Imagine if you will verizon, att, building upon the same standard, open, global technology, not having to keep qualcomm’s fist greased. We’d be alot better off, perhaps too our wireless service providers corporate culture would be more SERVICE and less modeled after the old Ma Bell proprietary way of thinking. The bright side is they are being pushed to open up and upgrade to standard, open, global technologies, consumers are getting wiser, and we’re getting better networks in the process.
Which brings another good question…
Knowing it’s going to take a few years to get the entire verizon network upgraded to GSM/LTE, when does RIM stop with what little cdma devices it has now? WIll it be just the rumored cdma Curve as the end?
The end came quickly for iDEN technology, RIM is slow already with it’s cdma devices, as someone above pointed out why bother with the cdma Curve, when RIM is bring out the next gen. BB’s soon for GSM?
I see you like to use inaccurate info in your posts. First off all, going off of info, straight from AT&T’s and Verizon Wireless’s websites, Verizon’s 3G is “typical speeds of 600 Kbps to 1.4 Mbps”
Also, as if you really didn’t know, Verizon has a larger 3G network than AT&T. AT&T’s says, “BroadbandConnect provides average download throughput of 400-700 kbps”.
From “the horse’s mouth”, Verizon’s 3G is both faster and has more coverage. Experiences in speed will vary from situation to situation, but currently, on average, the facts from the carriers are listed on their websites
Oh yeah, and again from AT&T’s website…Edge, your “2.75G that you say can be compared to Verizon’s 3G EVDO, is “Average download speeds of 70-135 kilobits per second”.
On top of all of this, I actually tether using both providers, and I have an EDGE Blackberry, and even from personal experience with both providers, using both networks at the same time, I find that the obvious misinformation that you’ve provided to be clearly worng, not just with facts from the carrier’s website, but also with real-life usage.
Bruce Wii,
What you might call “inaccurate info” and “misinformation” could also be called getting info from another source.
1xEV-DO = via PhoneScoop
(link found in the spec’s to the BB8130
I guess unless you feel phonescoop is not a trusted source for information?
Thanks for the additional information but please note I’m not calling YOU out for your info not matching my info….
“I find that the obvious misinformation that you’ve provided to be clearly worng”
“I see you like to use inaccurate info in your posts.”
What is “BroadbandConnect”? Is that att’s HSDPA/UMTS? Clearly terms and information are being confused.
Would the 2 video’s not be “real life usage”? milage and speed will certainly vary since thats the nature of wireless but it’s tough to doubt video of speed testing it did no?
My inside source at Verizon says that it’s coming out in March. They’ve been testing it for a few months already. I just hope they don’t cripple the features. I’ve been holding on to my 8703 – which is solid, but lacking of the cooler new features. Those who have switched to the 8830 seem to dislike the keyboard and overall size. But the voice activation seems to work well. Hope it’s the same on the Curve. Need that camera, but wish it could take video clips as well.
There is no confusion at all, I would get info from the “horse’s mouth” when available, not from a 3rd party. ATT and Verizon both published their currently tested and advertised speeds on their websites. That info can be found on the links that I provided. And yes, BroadbandConnect from ATT’s website is using their HSDPA/UMTS. The point of what I was saying is that your information is definitely wrong, and you didn’t even both to make sure it was accurate, coming from the source. You chose, a 3rd party, which was PhoneScoop, who happened to be wrong in this case. The interesting thing about your post, was that almost everything that you said is the “opposite” of reality. Again, the carriers themselves state clearly, in terms of speed and coverage, that Verizon’s 3G network is both faster and has more coverage than ATT’s. That’s not opinion, and that’s not from a 3rd party. ATT’s website stated that EDGE, which you claimed is a better comparison to Verizon’s 3G network, is actually 70-135kbps on average. I know I sound rude, but your post would be extremely misleading to people who wouldn’t know to look up the information themselves from the carriers that you are speaking of. Also, from what you said, ATT has the advantage over Verizon, when ATT themselves don’t even state that on their website by the factual tested numbers.
get’em bruce
You pretty much hit the high points. It would also be nice if GSM voice quality improved as well. You can definitely tell the difference between GSM and CDMA in that regard.
I would comment on Hellno’s assertions regarding ATT vs. VZW for data speed/coverage but I only sold wireless data solutions so my views are not valid.
The CDMA Curve cannot get here quicly enough. I drop tested my 7130e in the driveway today. It survived but it is not the same!
I would assume it is coming soon. A Sprint rep told me it would be out April 1st for their network.
Bruce Wii,
SO your solution is to listen to “the horses mouths”? Interesting… Did you email Phonescoop to let them know their in error? Have you ever noticed those horses shall we say embellish the TRUTH and get caught from time to time? Not calling verizon or att on their published data but would trust a 3rd party’s data, based on REAL users.
Did you happen to read the small print? (from the “horses mouth”) that you must have left out when posting your version of the data.
“1BroadbandAccess is available in 248 major metropolitan areas covering over 240 million people, and is expanding coast to coast. BroadbandAccess is also available in 232 primary airports in the U.S. BroadbandAccess speed claims based on our network tests with 5 MB FTP data files without compression. Actual speed and coverage may vary. If usage exceeds 5 GB/line/month, we reserve the right to reduce throughput speeds to a maximum of approximately 200 Kbps.
2BroadbandAccess Connect service is available for BlackBerry/PDA’s in our National Enhanced Services Rate and Coverage Area and Extended National Enhanced Services Rate and Coverage Area. Microsoft Windows required.
3BroadbandAccess Connect service on capable handsets is only available in our National Enhanced Services Rate and Coverage Area and not in the Extended National Enhanced Services Rate and Coverage Area. Microsoft Windows and Mobile Office Kit required and sold separately. BroadbandAccess Connect devices are not currently EV-DO Rev. A capable, so you can expect download speeds of 400-700 Kbps and upload speeds of 60-80 Kbps. Actual speed and coverage may vary. If usage exceeds 5 GB/line/month, we reserve the right to reduce throughput speeds to a maximum of approximately 200 Kbps.
4Speed claim based on our network test with 101 KB FTP data files, without compression. Actual throughout speed and coverage may vary. Speed claim not applicable when roaming.”
*Actual speed and coverage may vary.*
“YOUR post would be extremely misleading to people who wouldn’t know to look up the information themselves from the carriers that YOU are speaking of. ”
Are you saying that HSDPA/UMTS does not have faster speed than 1xEV-DO when the network is upgraded to it? Oh yeah remember the quoted HSDPA info from the other “horses mouth” is not the same as the currently being rolled out HSDPA/UMTS or it’s newer brother /LTE.
“Available in most major metropolitan areas, providing typical download speeds of 600Kbps to 1.4Mbps and typical upload speeds of 500 to 800Kbps on compatible devices*
The only 3G technology that supports simultaneous voice and data with one device – your work doesn’t stop when you need to talk”
*Referenced speeds require an HSDPA 3.6Mbps/HSUPA capable device with Receive Diversity and/or Equalizer. AT&T is deploying HSUPA throughout the 3G footprint, HSUPA may not currently be available in all 3G areas. BroadbandConnect speed claims based on our network tests without compression using 3MB data files for download and 2MB data files for upload. 3G devices not enabled with HSUPA support typical upload speeds of 220-320Kbps based on our network tests without compression using 500KB data files for upload. Actual throughput speed varies.
Guess your stuck looking behind? One thing to learn is the wireless industry is always moving forward. When looking forward with verizon and att the technology IS GSM/LTE. Being your such a nice guy it’s a pleasure to share TRUTH, FACTS and REALITY to mix in with your version. No need to be RUDE and CRUDE, there is no excuse for that.
*Actual speed and coverage may vary.*
So my answers are:
A)Is verizon’s 1xEV-DO available network wide?
NO, just like att’s HSDPA/UMTS, they are still rolling it out.
When you factor in *Actual speed and coverage may vary.* (Horse’s own mouths)
Bruce Wii, it’s clear your numbers are off, YOU could be the one misleading to people who wouldn’t know to look up the information themselves from the carriers. As the small print from those same “horse’s mouths” claim. Not very nice to try to BS those in the know, or as you say those “who wouldn’t know to look up the information themselves from the carriers.”
HellNo, I don’t see any of your points, I provided links to my facts, where are your links? The numbers that ATT displayed were 400-700kbps from the actual link that I provided,
Verizon’s is 600kbps to 1.4mbps from the link I provided,
You typed a lot of info, with no link to back it up. And you actually just quoted Verizon’s 3G EVDO Rev 0 speeds, but their latest 3G speeds, is Rev A, and their entire 3G network has been upgraded to that, and that speed is also included in that link, but you surprising forgot to quote those speeds, which says:
Rev. 0 capable devices
Download: typical download speeds of 400-700 Kbps with a maximum download speeds burst to 2 Mbps1.
Upload: typical upload speeds of 60-80 Kbps with peak speeds bursts to 144 Kbps.
Rev. A capable devices
Download: typical download speeds of 600 Kbps – 1.4 Mbps.
Upload: typical upload speeds of 500-800 Kbps.
You again, do your best to mislead, and this time you did it, by quoting part of the info…namely EVDO Rev 0, not Rev A.
Where are your links to ATT’s speeds?
And the real answers are:
A)Is verizon’s 1xEV-DO available network wide?
NO, just like att’s HSDPA/UMTS, they are still rolling it out, however, Verizon currently has a larger 3G network than ATT, plain and simple.
If anyone wants to see facts/numbers from ATT themselves, here it is….
That shows the numbers for GPRS speeds, EDGE, and the two 3G speeds, UMTS, and the faster HSDPA speeds.
OMG!!! It was only a matter of time. Bruce Wii, just ignore him. He’s just hanging out on the board annoying everyone until the next comet comes by and his friends from Heavens Gate come get him.
Regarding the Curve…I’m looking forward to seeing the Curve on VZW. This will be the first time I’m looking forward to seeing a phone come out since the Pearl came out on TMO. I tether quite a bit, so it’s an important feature that I require when it comes to service. Having the Curve out there may tempt me to retire my Pearl. But I still have the problem getting over the fact that any BB bigger than the Pearl feels like a waffle… 🙂
Yeah, you are right, and I’ll ignore him. Haha, any BB larger than the Pearl, feels like a waffle, huh? That’s funny. I had the Curve on ATT, and I loved it. It’s great to finally get it on Verizon, I just hope I can hold out long enough. Reading these boards everyday…from here, hofo, blackberryforums, crackberry, and various others is becoming an obsession lol.
Girls you two are amazing….. Ya get what ya give….
I post my opinion like a grownup, another makes his opinion know, rather RUDE and CRUDE. I post the FACTS and TRUTH, back those FACTS and TRUTH up, and again it’s no discussion it’s BS from a sad bunch of fanboys. Though YOUR actions you both Bruce Wii and bluehorseshoe have shown the rest of us your unable to discuss like grownup’s. bluehorseshoe your a constant offender with nothing to say on topic.
Here’s sadly how yet another thread has gone, opinion posted with FACTS and TRUTH backing it up, open for discussion. A fanboy doesn’t agree and is RUDE and CRUDE, again more FACTS and TRUTH are found and posted to backup my thoughts and again RIMarkable gets a RUDE and CRUDE fanboy who thinks he knows everything “because thats what the horse’s mouth says”. Its one thing to discuss it’s another thing to make personal posts and personal shots when it comes to arbitrary information, which big picture means nothing. ALSO lets remember this fanboy finds is incorrect since it has slightly different data than the lip service the service providers put out. LAME.
Robb, know most here can handle adult conversation, the sad few need a filter which distorts the truth and even perhaps filters them over to since every day they prove their combination of “Stockholm Syndrome” and “cognitive dissonance” and just plain piss poor childish, fanboy behavior having NO respect for RIMarkable. They better learn quick most of us here don’t like RIMarkable being used as their personal toilet. Post your opinion but it ends there, discussion about hopes, dreams and thoughts of others is not acceptable, even when they do prove in this example Bruce Wii and bluehorseshoe completely incorrect. Everyone knows you never forget to to look at the small print, especially when it comes to wireless service providers….
Discussion is open for adults….
@ hellidiot
So, when you go on ranting about how great your AT&T service is and how well it covers all areas better than everything else because it’s GSM, it’s really just ‘LIP SERIVCE’ that you’re giving everyone. Basically just like everything else that comes out of you. And how many more times are you going to repeat the same crap over and over? And one more thing…please get a grip on the English language. Now I’m done with you…
@ the board…
As for the Curve coming to Verizon, is anyone out there thinking of giving up their Pearl for a VZW Curve like I am? I’d be interested to hear why/why not. I’m conflicted if I should. Pros and cons to everything…would love to hear some of them.
@ Bruce Wii
I had the 8700 and went to the Pearl and loved it. Not that the Curve is that much larger than the Pearl, but the Pearl is so mainstream phone like, yet with the BB features, it’s hard to part with it. The 8700 felt so odd (like a waffle in a way) compared to the Pearl after a couple of months of using the Pearl, and I’m anticipating the same if I went with a Curve (although not as large as the 8700) when it comes to VZW. Decisions, decisions…but at least those VZW users out there will have choices.
I’m trading my Pearl for the Curve. Very simple reasons.
A.) QWERTY. Love it.
B.) Bigger screen.
Like I said, simple. When I had the Curve on at&t I loved everything about it… except at&t’s network in my area.
@ LP
I like ‘B’ big time. The bigger screen is nicer. I got used to the keyboard on the Pearl, but the full keyboard is nice too.
Thanks again.
There is no reason for your typical name calling and sh*t behavior. You have been asked to clean up your act on SEVERAL occasions by our host Robb. Nice, glad to hear yet again your “done with” me. It’s like this, Grow up and learn how to post like a adult or don’t post. As another reminder RIMarkable is not your toilet, don’t treat it as such. RIMarkable is NOT a place for your thoughts and dreams of others. RIMarkable is not for your self admitted games. Your words might effect small thinkers like yourself but from your first BS post here to your last the rest of us know your kind and know bluehorseshoe is both a waste of bandwidth AND RIMarkables resident troll.
Face it your blind verizon fanboism and “Stockholm Syndrome” and “cognitive dissonance” has gotten your grandstanding proven completely false, you can’t handle reading the truth and facts about verizon. It’s gets you so upset you lashout and show your childish age. Mom’s gonna have to restrict your computer time again, she knows little boys shouldn’t be lashing out at those in the know. Wow lookie found one of bluehorseshoe discarded posts… enjoy.
#28. March 4th, 2008, at 12:20 AM.
“Gee guys whats everyone else doing with their Blackberry’s? I know I called the Curve a waffle but I didn’t really mean it. ha ha ha Which one should I get to be part of the popular kids? ” is anyone out there thinking of giving up their Pearl for a VZW Curve like I am?” “Having the Curve out there may tempt me to retire my Pearl. But I still have the problem getting over the fact that any BB bigger than the Pearl feels like a waffle…” Gee as you guys can see between my verizon fanboism, “Stockholm Syndrome” and “cognitive dissonance” and now trying to decide waffle or pearl, I’m all messed up, oh wait I think I just messed in my pants” MOM! Gee guys good news the thread crapping I do at RIMarkable is alot like the crap my MOM just cleaned out of my panties it was shaped just like the verizon logo, I can’t believe me, bluehorseshoe part of something so big like verizon. Gee guys remember don’t let that mean guy “hellidiot” get you down when he posts the FACTS and TRUTH about our favorite service provider, I suggest reading RIMarkable with our verizon issued rose colored glass’s which helps distort the REAL FACTS and TRUTH about verizon which makes us all so upset it makes us poop in our panties.”
“at least those VZW users out there will have choices.”
What? We ARE verizon and THESE are your choices PICK one and count yourselves lucky you ungrateful sob’s. Thats is cripple more features and functions! these ungrateful sob’s are demanding even more choice…..
BlackBerry® Pearl™ 8130 smartphone SILVER
BlackBerry® Pearl™ 8130 smartphone in Pink
BlackBerry® 8703e
BlackBerry® 8830 World Edition Smartphone
BlackBerry® 8830 World Edition Smartphone in Red
“at least those VZW users out there will have choices.”
US Cellular
Southern LINC.
*Gee guys it’s me bluehorseshoe again ha ha ha
“As for the Sprint plan of unlimted usage, etc. I wouldn’t touch them. I’d rather pay the extra $$$ for better service, etc. Never used Sprint, and from reading the countless negative posts and hearing and witnessing their terrible customer support, I think I’d pass on whatever they’d offer.”
Get it guys, ha ha ha I have no experience with Sprint, “never used Sprint” but I’m gonna take a crap all over them cuz lets face it they are not our favorite verizon YEAH! Mom 5 more minutes please I think I got that mean guy “hellidiot” getting upset, oh wait, no damn, “hellidiot” proved me wrong yet again and Robb just yelled at me again for my piss poor behavior, Now I’m done with you… MOM think I just pooped again….
bye for now guys, your verizon pal bluehorseshoe”
Hmmm, I guess writing comments is cheaper than therapy. You could also save money by cutting back on the caffeine.
Don’t know about Verizon but Sprint will have the Curve…with
OS 4.5…in April…they will also have 4.5 software for their 8830
in May. I am holding my T-Mo Curve without 4.5 and sighing.
<a href=””
“There is no reason for your typical name calling and sh*t behavior. You have been asked to clean up your act on SEVERAL occasions by our host Robb. Nice, glad to hear yet again your “done with” me. It’s like this, Grow up and learn how to post like a adult or don’t post. As another reminder RIMarkable is not your toilet, don’t treat it as such. RIMarkable is NOT a place for your thoughts and dreams of others. RIMarkable is not for your self admitted games. Your words might effect small thinkers like yourself but from your first BS post here to your last the rest of us know your kind and know bluehorseshoe is both a waste of bandwidth AND RIMarkables resident troll.”
who are you to tell someone how to post? is this your blog? if the answer is no, then try reading your own ‘advice’ and don’t treat this as a ‘toilet’. better yet ignore it.
“Face it your blind verizon fanboism and “Stockholm Syndrome” and “cognitive dissonance” has gotten your grandstanding proven completely false, you can’t handle reading the truth and facts about verizon. It’s gets you so upset you lashout and show your childish age. Mom’s gonna have to restrict your computer time again, she knows little boys shouldn’t be lashing out at those in the know. Wow lookie found one of bluehorseshoe discarded posts… enjoy.”
childish? what about your lashing out? is that ok too? Pot, meet kettle.
perception is reality and the perception among VZW subscribers is that VZW has the most reliable network. I know of several people who aren’t with VZW that also believe this. Sure they play a dangerous game, but it’s worked out well so far, for them at least. why can’t they be the first to come out with handsets? or, why did they go with CDMA in the first place and not GSM? think if you had a SIM card in your phone (lets ignore the fact that you can get a world edition 8830) right now, would VZW still be behind in rolling out new devices?
Also, can’t we all just get along?
I’m new to this site, but I get that you don’t like VZW which is fine. I’m not trying to agitate you, but I honestly don’t care that VZW cripple some features. Their service in the Bay Area is exponentially better than ATT. I’m an average consumer who doesn’t know anything about the technical research. I just have my own personal experience. I live in San Jose, my office is in downtown Oakland and I’m always criss-crossing the Bay when I’m offsite (including Palo Alto & SF).
I have a BB curve with ATT through work and an old RZR with VZW for my private phone. I love my BB but the EDGE and voice service cuts out at least a dozen times a day which significantly affects productivity. My crappy little RZR has droped 3-4 calls in the last year! AND the EVDO features run faster on my RZR than comparable features on my BB through EDGE. So take it from someone who simultaneously has phones on both networks, ATT is crap…at least it is in the Bay Area. I have kept my separate VZW line simply b/c ATT is so unreliable in the Bay Area.
By the way, if you live in Los Gatos/Santa Cruz area, you can forget about ATT wireless service completely. My folks live down there, no service at all.
To everyone else here: I’m on board with you. Can’t wait for VZW to get a CDMA Curve, but if ATT ever improves their network, I will ditch my VZW phone in a heartbeat.
Great example. I would jump to another network in a heartbeat if they offered the reliability of service and call quality Verizon offers me.
A celluar company’s “greatness” is all relative. It’s about personal experiences.
As the IT guy at work, I’m always asked personal cell questions a lot. And even though I’m Verizon 100% – I realize it’s not for every one and I tell people to research and weigh all their options, because at this point there is no clear “winner” – and I truly don’t think there ever will be.
NOW! On with the Curve!!
My “new-every-2” (it’s a Verizon thing) is up tomorrow and it’s going to be hard not getting the Pearl – in hopes that the Curve is comming.
I worked for Sprint and Bluehorsehoe is correct, the customer service is terrible. And good luck with your first bill being right. I nearly lost a lot of customers due to service. I also know that their coverage is not as robust as VZW. Data speed on the network is awesome and they have less latency than VZW. But that said, I will not go back to them for $20-30/month.
I second that…I’d drop them too provided another company offered equal, if not better and reliable service with better phone options. I’m only hoping that the competition among the big two (I wish TMO had a better network than they do now because their customer service is second to none) heats up even more so it boils down to excellent service and options, just a matter of which name you like better.
@ hellno
My wife used Sprint. Sucked. My business partner uses Sprint and almost threw the phone at the customer service rep for being rude by saying “oh well”. Customer Service isn’t supposed to say “oh well”, no matter what the issue is. And if you must know, it was simply about a defective battery. The phone died after a couple of calls totalling no more than 20 minutes, and their response to replacing the battery on a ‘new’ phone was “oh well, you can buy an additional battery so you won’t have to worry about the first one again”. Shoot, if I told TMO that, they’d have a replacement phone instead with no questions asked (OK…maybe not, but they are simply the best when it comes to service IMO).
If you like CDMA and want awesome customer service, Alltel is the way to go if they are in your area. Awesome company. They do get their devices about 6-9 months after VZW and Sprint though.
Our company uses TMO and likes the service and support. But th evoice quality is awful. Sounds like they are calling from a stall in the men’s room!
I’m right there with the last few of you. I live in the NY metro area where you’de think all 3 of the major carriers are more or less equal in terms of coverage, but the sad fact is that they aren’t. I haven’t had AT&T for many years and I’ve never had TMO but I don’t even necessarily need to experience them firsthand to know they are inferior to VZ, in my area od use. All I have to do is hear from friends or aquaintances who have or did have AT&T and TMO to know their experiences with the companies.
Like I’ve said in other forums here ate RIMarkable, I’ll wait for the curve on VZ until the end of this month, after that I’ll either do the 30 day trial with AT&T to see if it works out or just get the 8800 world phone at Verizon.
PS: Don’t bother trying to talk any sense into ‘hellno’. He/she doesn’t care whether VZ works well for you, but instead classifies you as ignorant. And the more you try and be rational or logical in your statements about your preference for VZ, the more he/she tells you your “grandstanding”, or not listening to “TRUTH” and “FACTS”. It’s a lost cause. If we’re so ignorant, let’s do just that…IGNORE.
I’m in the NY metro area and my experience with att and verizon and nextel in the area they were all decent, as you say “more or less equal in terms of coverage”
You would also do much better if you too don’t worry about what others post. IF you think verizon is better for you, it’s better for YOU, it doesn’t mean the other providers are not just as good if not better. You will learn your roll. It’s interesting TRUTH and FACTS hurt only ignorant fanboys.
Nope no mention of cdma here… Keep on crying and FUDing girls….
“The BlackBerry Curve is a mobile phone developed by Research In Motion.
The BlackBerry Curve has the following features:
2 Mega pixel Camera with flash, self portrait mirror, and 5x digital zoom
Media Player
Bluetooth 2.0
Support for GSM, GPRS and EDGE”
BlackBerry Curve
Screen 240×260 pixels, 65.536 Color TFT LCD
Ringtone Polyphonic Sound (72 voices), Real tones (MP3)
Memory 64MB Internal, MicroSD slot
Networks North America: 850 MHz GSM/GPRS networks, North America: 1900MHz GSM®/GPRS networks, Europe/Asia Pacific: 1800MHz GSM/GPRS networks, Europe/Asia Pacific: 900MHz GSM/GPRS networks, EDGE networks
connectivity = Bluetooth, IrDA, USB (with Mass Storage Mode support)
Physical size 107 x 60 x 15.5 mm
Weight 111g
I’m surprised you dared to post that VZW was better service for you than AT&T. Obviously you have not read any other threads about the Curve or Verizon on this message board or you would know that hellno does not allow anyone to claim they get better service with VZW. THAT IS NOT AN OPTION! YOU MUST GET BETTER SERVICE or at least the same with AT&T.
Even though there are millions of customers across the US who will agree with you, that VZW is the best option for them, he will attack you and call you an ignorant fanboy or even better, his favorite term, you are FUD’ing, (whatever the hell that is).
I had pretty much stopped reading this message board and have moved to Howard’s Forum because hellno isn’t there. He has ruined this site and I’m surprised Robb let’s him continue to drive away readers with his relentless attacks against reason and sanity.
Good luck Smurfette, you are going to need it against the wrath of hellno.
By the way, I agree with you 100%. Same situation in my area. AT&T is not a player at all with no service to speak of. VZW is the best for me.
Here is some news on the consumer friendly company AT&T that our resident troll iphone fanboy brags about all the time:
“AT&T announced a settlement with the Florida Attorney General’s office regarding third-party ringtones that were advertised as free, but were billed to end users. AT&T will reimburse customers who were charged for the ringtones. The ringtones were advertised as free fraudulently by third-party providers. After the ringtones were downloaded, users were charged for the cost of the ringtone by AT&T per its agreements with the third-party providers. In addition to the reimbursements, AT&T has to pay the state of Florida $2.5 million and another $500,000 toward consumer education on safe Internet use. It says it has since put protective measures in place to prevent customers from being mis-led about billing.”
@Marcus A:
I know why he “lets” him continue… look at the other posts on this topic… some are up to 400+ comments!! Must do wonders for ad-views!
At first I was angered by him, but now it’s easier just to ignore him.
heh. imagine if everyone started posting randomly under the name “hellno” Imagine the chaos!!
@ Marcus,
Actually, over 65 million CDMA loving idiots like myself agree with Smurfette and yourself by choosing VZW for the sole purpose of better coverage in our areas. I stress idiots because hellno is about to give us the FACTS, TRUTH, and no FUD about the way it is and should be. Be prepared for multiple, usless links to blogs and companies that make assessments but only staff 2 people.
I agree that while Verizon may not be the most consumer friendly, overall it has the best network. I also agree that most people do not care about the technicality of what system their phone runs one, whether GSM or CDMA or whatever, just that it works. On that score VZW wins for now.
Now that may change; ATT certainly has the resources to close the gap with VZW. But for now there is one advantage a VZW curve will have over an ATT one, and that is the coverage. There are simply many places where VZW works and ATT isn’t quite up to the same level.
hellno said:
“You would also do much better if you too don’t worry about what others post. IF you think verizon is better for you, it’s better for YOU, it doesn’t mean the other providers are not just as good if not better. You will learn your roll. It’s interesting TRUTH and FACTS hurt only ignorant fanboys.”
Um…this is a forum for discussion is it not? So why would I do better if I didn’t worry about what others post? That would make the idea of a forum irrelevant, thus making everything a monologue and not a dialogue – get it?
Secondly, I NEVER made the statement that other providers weren’t as good or better, I always stated that FOR ME, VZ is better. So thanks for twisting my words around to try and make it look like something it wasn’t. I can only speak for myself, so when I talk about something being “better”, I would assume anyone with half a brain would understand I was referring to myself…that explains why you didn’t get it I guess.
TRUTH and FACTS only hurt ignorant fanboys huh? This is a peculiar statement coming from someone who has portrayed themselves as the most ignorant of all post after post. C’mon, the majority can’t be the ones who are wrong. There’s even posts on Howard’s forum mentioning what a kook you are. But I guess we’re all wrong, and you’re right? I’m sure.
Oh and that’s “fangirl” by the way.
Sorry Marcus Aurelius unlike you, Smurfette knows how to post with class, guess your mom lifted your grounding from the computer tonight? If not that perhaps your feeling a desperate need for attention, why not come to RIMarkable with the other few, sad ignorant verizon fanboys and thread crap some more.
It must be so tough for you sad few who are also verizon customers when the TRUTH and FACTS are posted about a corporation which you pay to provide you service only to learn REALITY about them. Whats good is most adult’s who are in the know, take the information for what it is, a post on a web site to learn about or not. There is no need to kick and scream, there is no need to FUD, there is no need to post BS at others (like you have, and are getting back exactly what you first gave with interest) just because the TRUTH and FACTS are posted about a corporation. Boo Hoo no Curve for cdma yet, it should surprise no one, it’s standard practice when it comes to RIM’s product release cycles. If you can’t handle lack of devices then better look at another service provider at least till verizon upgrades to GSM/LTE, then and only then will verizon customers get wireless devices on par, and at the same time as the rest of the globe. No need for the piss poor behavior, you can blame others for your thread craps, but it’s clear to the rest of us here at RIMarkable there are a sad few ignorant verizon fanboys here who can’t handle TRUTH and FACTS and lash out when they can’t distort or spin REALITY.
Sorry vealots ya get what you gave….
Then hellno said:
“Nope no mention of cdma here… Keep on crying and FUDing girls….”
Ok, you’re eclectic vocabulary (haha) would lead me to believe you have some book smarts, but that post above shows me exactly what kind of deformed logic you’re workign with. Only someone with a complete lack of common sense would refer to Wikipedia as a reliable source of information. Wikipedia articles are put together by people on the internet, did you know that? Why would anyone posting on wikipedia have information to post about a CDMA BB curve, that know one else has? It’s hysterical to me, because if it was the case that there was a CDMA curve mentioned for VZ in a wiki entry, and I posted about it – you would automatically write it off as internet rumors and “IGNORANT, GRANDSTANDING FUD”.
This IS a discussion forum, but NOT a forum to discuss your thoughts on others, something others in your sad few group have yet to also figure out. IE your 3rd paragraph not only goes against your own guidance for others, it’s also a thread crap. Your first 2 paragraphs cool, your opinions, no grandstanding, no opinions of others. Then you decide to take a few personal shots at someone who didn’t call you out on anything (at least not till that action by you) But that how it goes with the sad few, they grandstand they FUD and then they take pot shots at others. Fellow posters post TRUTH and FACTS, back them up with links and explaination, thats when the sad few feel the need to ignore, FUD, Spin and atack those posting REALITY which seems to be unacceptable to vealots.
If knowledge is power, then the sad few here show ignorance with every thread crapping BS post.
Oh there are posts on “Howards forum”? surprise surprise, thats another place which has even more ignorant verizon fanboys than here. Yes all the TRUTH and FACTS posted have been backed up so yes since you bring it up, yes the sad few ignorant verizon here at RIMarkable are not only “all wrong”, they also show themselves as people who can’t handle REALITY. Poor verizon fanboys. verizon cripples their blackberries and hellno tells them the TRUTH here at RIMarkable. Now THATS discussion!
“because if it was the case that there was a CDMA curve mentioned for VZ in a wiki entry, and I posted about it – you would automatically write it off as internet rumors and “IGNORANT, GRANDSTANDING FUD”.
No others wouldn’t get the chance since you’d have already done it to yourself.
FACTS before verizon fanboy fiction.
Sorry my mistake make that “fangirl” fiction 🙂 It’s cool to have your choice. Whats not cool is to post calling others out and then not expecting the same treatment in return. Esp. when the person is being called out for posting the TRUTH and the FACTS.
This is absolutely the WORST CDMA/VZW Curve thread on any website so far. Could it be because not even half of it is regarding the Curve?
Hellno, you are completely disrespectful to anyone that visits here actually looking info regarding the DEVICE itself. It’s a shame really. And you people that reply to him are no better yourselves. The more you guys respond to him the more he is going to spew his anti-VZW garbage over and over and over and over again.
JUST IGNORE HIM! Geez…is it that hard?
Hellno, answer however you want to this post. There is nothing you can say that will change my mind from the fact that you ruin every article you post in.
Oh yeah, and I’m not replying to anything you say because it will just force more garbage out of your mouth.
And hellno’s worthless response in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1….
Yeah LP your internet posting skill games are going to take care of things huh? NOPE.
Interesting “This is absolutely the WORST CDMA/VZW Curve thread on any website so far.” yet you fail to add any new information too? But instead feel the need to thread crap and show others you want to be posted about and called out when others post? hmmm must be the rumored device still has very little information, and sadly a small group of ignorant verizon fanboys would are upset at not having the choice of the Curve for their provider and get even more upset when they are shown the FACTS, TRUTH, and REALITY about what their service provider does to cripple their blackberries.
Preach on LP. It’s just ridiculous now. Ruins it for everyone.
I’m thinking now of getting the Curve when it comes out and giving it a whirl and putting my Pearl in ‘semi-retirement’. If I can’t get used to it, then I’ll just go back to the Pearl. I have to say the Pearl is the longest I’ve held on to any phone…had it since day one with TMO. 18 months is a good run…at least for me.
Ahh. Hellno, while I won’t reply to your garbage, I will reply and discuss your comment ACTUALLY ABOUT the Curve. These are ALL confirmed FACTS that have been known about VZW’s Curve for a little now:
– Release is targeted in April with VZW pushing for late March.
– It does have GPS, but the test versions so far have all been locked to VZ Navigator.
– It will not be WiFi capable.
– The release color scheme will be the same as the color above. This has been confirmed that while there may be other colors, this will be the release color.
– In terms of size, it is as identical to the GSM version as CDMA can get.
– This will not be a World Edition Device.
– It will be EVDO capable, but it is not known/has not been posted yet whether it will be REV A.
– The exact pricing is not known/has not been posted yet.
– It is, of course, QWERTY.
– It will be high capacity micro SD capable.
This is all FACT. Verizon’s Curve is far from a rumor so find other reasons to bash it. I used to work in VZW Corporate and I still have a lot of friends in a lot of different positions that provide me with info. If you want to question my reputation as someone very knowledgable, here is some reference:
PM any of the VZW mods on there if you’d like to question how genuine my info is. I’ve been posting on there for over 5 years. You will find a plethora of info posted by various insiders on there.
If you want to take the “That’s not official information route” then just wait 2-3 weeks.
Be warned. The first link, while hefty, is a good read and follows the Curve from November (even though VZW has been planning on releasing it since at least September 2007).
And “The release color scheme will be the same as the color above. This has been confirmed that while there may be other colors, this will be the release color.” comment was made regarding it’s original post. The picture in the original post above that was the “titanium” colored Curve. Sorry for any confusion.
PhoneArena has an expected Sprint date of April 16 for the Curve (link at the end)… doesnt Verizon USUALLY get Blackberries before them? How much lead time do they get generally?
Maybe this is an exception… maybe Sprint will get it first…
…the link decided not to work… lets try again…
Thanks for the post, LP. I read your post about this on Howard’s forums too. Very helpful and insightful. I’m excited to see what happens…
Rep stated 2nd quarter – which is anywhere from April to July if it’s true.
Very well written Robb. They (Verizon) will indead see a mass exidous, if any of the other carriers fill in the gaps…
I agree entirely with what this post is saying. As a Verizon customer, with an unlimited data contract, I am sick of being lied to, screwed, and forking over extra cash to Verizon for crippled BB’s. Verizon is playing a *very* dangerous game. Yes, their network coverage is great. But that’s it. 1/2 of the BB’s in the global company I work for are on Verizon, the other 1/2 are on AT&T. AT&T’s network sucks, but then again, the AT&T BB’s have GPS, and full Bluetooth functionality. If the 3G’s could get their collective act together to improve network coverage, I’d jump ship in a heart beat, as would most of the other BB users on Verizon that I know and screw the early termination fee and Verizon can kiss the revenue from myself and my employer goodbye. *CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?*
Thanks everyone for posting info about the release date and details. I worked for Bell Atlantic Mobile under the CellularOne name and saw our property sold off to Alltel. I found a new job after a few months of conference calls with the Good Old Boys in Arkansas. The day I left I signed up with VZW, seven years later I am still a customer. They take care of me like I am their best customer, that’ s reason #1 for staying. #2 is the network- it’s great, and that’s all that matters. Reason #3 is- when I talk to other people on VZW- calls are crystal- even on older phones. When I talk to friends on other networks, specifically TMO and AT&T, they sound H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E. I would be embarrassed to be on a business call with someone if I knew I sounded that bad. But who really cares about what I think about my cell phone company- it’s my money, so be it. Now on the Curve…
I have been using the 8830 for almost 8 months- it’s my first BB after a nightmare Treo experience. I am on my second phone-replaced with a refurb. First one lost functionality in the End key and the BB key-i’m not a button masher- just using 3000+ mins a month takes a toll I guess. I miss the camera, so I have been stopping in once a month up until this month to see what the scoop was on the Curve. Now I stop in daily. Waiting. Waiting. I don;t really mind waiting- I’d rather have a phone I like on a good network vs. the worlds greatest phone on a crap network. Everyone knows VZW has invested a SH*T-TON of money in their network going backs years- AT&T’s network belonged to how many other crap companies. Remember Voicestream? 10,000 mins for $50.00 (JK) but too bad you couldn’t actually talk to anyone. Anyway…from what I keep hearing- the phone coming is not the Curve, but something similar. Is this true- only Denny knows LOL. VZW manager is saying “we know it’s coming, but we won’t really know until the day before the release. I can vouch for this to a point, connected peeps will know when the first pallets get unwrapped.
Thank YOU CD….. REALITY is such a tough thing here for some.
#71. March 5th, 2008, at 9:49 PM.
I agree entirely with what this post is saying. As a Verizon customer, with an unlimited data contract, I am sick of being lied to, screwed, and forking over extra cash to Verizon for crippled BB’s. Verizon is playing a *very* dangerous game. Yes, their network coverage is great. But that’s it. 1/2 of the BB’s in the global company I work for are on Verizon, the other 1/2 are on AT&T. AT&T’s network sucks, but then again, the AT&T BB’s have GPS, and full Bluetooth functionality. If the 3G’s could get their collective act together to improve network coverage, I’d jump ship in a heart beat, as would most of the other BB users on Verizon that I know and screw the early termination fee and Verizon can kiss the revenue from myself and my employer goodbye. *CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?*
Sorry greenglider – the arguments are incorrect, bottom shelf for someone who claim to be in the industry, but that might be the corporate Koolaid they serve you.
I call FUD on “When I talk to friends on other networks, specifically TMO and AT&T, they sound H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E.” FUD
also FUD on “AT&T’s network belonged to how many other crap companies. Remember Voicestream? 10,000 mins for $50.00 (JK) but too bad you couldn’t actually talk to anyone.” FUD Did you ever even do any research into the history’s of the wireless providers? All are made up of smaller networks as they are bought and merged into the bigger network. I guess you miss that even verizon has this history.
Voicestream = T-Mobile property:
“T-Mobile USA is the United States based subsidiary of T-Mobile International AG. The US company was previously known as VoiceStream Wireless or Powertel. In May 2001, VoiceStream was acquired by Deutsche Telekom for US$24 billion, and in September 2002 changed the company name nationally to T-Mobile. Headquartered in Factoria, Bellevue, Washington, T-Mobile USA is currently the fourth-largest wireless carrier in the U.S. market with approximately 28 million[6] customers as of August 2007 and annual revenue of US$17.1 billion.
The US T-Mobile network predominately uses the GSM/GPRS 1900 MHz frequency-band, making it the largest 1900 MHz network in the US. Service is available in 46 of the top 50 US markets, reaching 244 million potential customers. By mid-2008 the network is forecast to expand to 98 of 100 largest markets and 259 million potential customers.
On September 17, 2007, T-Mobile USA announced that it will acquire SunCom Wireless for US$2.4 billion. The acquisition will improve network coverage in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and Puerto Rico. At the end of the second quarter of 2007, SunCom had more than 1.1 million customers. The acquisition is subject to governmental and regulatory approvals as well as approval by SunCom shareholders. The companies expect the deal to close in the first half of 2008.”
SBC Communications and BellSouth = Cingular Wireless = att
Also to note att’s network is well cared for by:
A large number of AT&T Mobility employees are unionized, belonging to the Communication Workers of America, unlike verizon wireless with it’s anti-union busting corporate attitude.
Denny knows lying, thats what Denny knows…
Blind faith in Corporate anything will get you no where.
You are citing Wikipedia?
How ironic for someone speaking the “truth”
“I call FUD on “When I talk to friends on other networks, specifically TMO and AT&T, they sound H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E.” FUD”
Out of curiosity why are you calling “FUD” on this? How are you in any position to know what his/her experiences are when talking to others on different networks? I don’t understand what you’re getting at. You told me that this forum is for voicing his/her opinions on things…Well..that’s his/her opinion isn’t it? It’s not his “hope and dreams” as you always say. If I could figure out what your getting at, maybe I’d understand you better, but I don’t. You can go ahead and blame that on ignorance if you’d like, but I don’t think that’s the case. Not to mention, EVERYONE in the world is ignorant in different respects. Everyone lives their lives based upon their own experiences, including you. So why is this any different? I’m seriously not trying to argue with you, I’m simply trying to understand. If anyone says anything about you it’s a big deal, but you seem to think it’s ok to indirectly call everyone else stupid, just because they don’t sit around doing research and reading wiki articles to gather information on every little bit of cell phone carrier history. Everyone is being so ridiculous by not agreeing with you or by not caring about half of what you say.
“A large number of AT&T Mobility employees are unionized, belonging to the Communication Workers of America, unlike verizon wireless with it’s anti-union busting corporate attitude.”
What does this have to do with anything relating to Verizon’s coverage or the Curve? Why should I, or anyone care whether AT&T is unionized and VZ is not? You obviously have an issue with that, for whatever reason but that’s no one’s problem but your own.
If you’re going to explain your side of this, please refrain from using the terms: FUD, Ignorance and Grandstanding. And Stop trying to undermine everyone’s opinion by posting Wiki links to back you up. Just put it out there and move on. Are you an ex-employee of Verizon and feel they did you wrong some how with their “corporate attitude”? Try explaining YOUR position instead of the positions of everyone you post links to, and try to do it without being so smug.
We’re one day closer to the Curve everyone, that’s a good day for me. Who wants a cool picture contest during the first week it launches? Picassa anyone? Please Hellno, no hairy buttcrack pictures or you modeling your newest pumps. Gross. And speaking of Hellno…
You seem very knowledgeable, but I am curious what FUD is? Is it the ol’ Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt? I hate using terms that seem arbitrary like YAAA and GFY- it really doesn’t convey what you are trying to say- just looks like you are trying to speak your own language, which really defeats the purpose of language. So why bother.
Question to anyone:
What network was aquired to become Voicestream? And which brand became known to be Cingular? I am think it’s T-Mobile/ VS and AT&T/ Cingular, but not 100%. Someone knows- please tell….
My thinking was…When most of the wireless networks were built in the beginning, they were brand new. Right? They only used land lines for interconnectivity and roaming agreements, so who was Voicestream bought from? That’s a tough one I suppose, but as I remember it, around the turn of the century, there were 7 companies here in Phoenix- Metro Mobile (became CellOne, Alltel- was a Bell Atlantic property,- soon to be Verizon,) 900 CDMA, B License-, Airstream, 900 CDMA, A License. Sprint- 1900 CDMA, Qwest-1900 CDMA, Nextel, AT&T- TDMA (duh) 1900…and…Voicestream. GSM. As a side note, selling CDMA 900 was just as bit as hard as selling any other network, it all came down to phones and rate plans. VS did well with rate plans, phones were all garbage Nokia’s, and they over-subscribed the crap out of a tiny GSM network that had just been built. CDMA 900 was a tenured operation kicked ass, Sprint was just getting to be known as having the worst customer service in the world and created the motto “Sell it before it works!” Qwest was a joke, Nextel was Nextel, and AT&T was notoriously the worst network decision made in the history of wireless. They wanted to be the first to launch digital, and made a hasty call and went with TDMA. I have always thought that it must have SUCKED to have to re-string that pile of dung. Who got that network……GAWD it’s just killing me!
So question of the day if you will: What deal acquired the Voicestream and AT&T properties from the 20th century?
BTW Hellno, I’m just bustin’ ur labias, I know you are some big stinker just sittin’ there waitin for someone to whiz on you. My pleasure. Enjoy the golden shower from this poster.
I heard from a very good source that the Verizon curve will be available in April.
Thanks for posting some useful information!
Question to anyone:
What network was aquired to become Voicestream?
A: The merger of General Cellular and Pacific Northwest Cellular formed Western Wireless, a cellular provider for several western and southwestern states, as well as Hawaii. After a successful public offering by Western Wireless, the VoiceStream Wireless division was formed. In 1999, this division was spun off as an independent company. Voicestream, Deutsche Telekom, and Powertel merge to create T-mobile.
And which brand became known to be Cingular?
A:Cingular was formed in 2000 when SBC Communications Inc. and BellSouth combined their wireless assets into a joint venture. As most know Cingular aquired AT&T Wireless in 2004, making it the nation’s largest wireless provider. (IMO – Once cingular bought ATTwireless, they goofed it all up which eventually led me over to VZ.)
I am currently a Verizon subscriber. I do not have a Blackberry yet and have been thinking about getting one. I’ve been doing a lot of research online and obviously found this website. I like what I see here. Through my research and my readings on this site… I think I want to buy the Curve. I really hope what you say is true… that it’s only a couple months away from a Verizon release date.
I won’t switch from Verizon simply because, as has been stated numerous times, their network is far superior… for now. I started my life as a cell phone user with AT&T (before it had an identity crisis and became Cingular) had a cheap crappy phone… and got charged super high “roaming” rates. This was before GSM was in more places. Then I switched to Nextel and my friends and I had a blast on the ski slopes and across the room with the direct connect feature. However their service sucked too (that was before they merged with Sprint). Then I switched back to Cingular (during it’s oddly shaped orange man logo days). The reason I switched to Verizon… honestly… was a girl. Haha… we texted a lot… and I mean… a lot… She had VZ and so I was pretty much forced to switch because of their free VZ to VZ texting plans. My mother and sister were soon to follow me to VZ (from ATT). This is the part of the post that gets interesting…
I have always been the “proprietor” of my mother’s and sister’s family plan. I was able to get them off ATT’s network and onto VZ’s without paying a break of contract fee!!! I told ATT that my sister is currently attending college up in Moorhead, MN (the closest ATT network is 300 miles away in the Twin Cities) and she hasn’t been getting good reception. ATT told me that they would probably have been contacting me sooner rather than later anyways to ask me to leave their network!!! It costs them too much money because companies now-a-days are picking up the roaming charges for their customers. So the practical upshot of all of this is that we are all not on VZ and after personally switching carriers four times… and going through a couple dozen cell phones… I’m not leaving VZ!!! So please VZ… release the BB Curve so that I can begin my life as, from as far as I can tell, a satisfied BB owner…
Sorry if that was too long… (*breath)
my contract with verizon is over in the begining of april so if verizon doesnt come out with the curve until then im gonna leave verizon to at & t
PB-that was the shiznit. Thank you!
I stopped into VZW today-it’s funny-you know the employees know. the BUZZ is on. Good for us right- I like looking forward to something. no takers on the picture contest?
” the BUZZ is on. Good for us right- I like looking forward to something.”
Oh man, how sad it must be to be a verizon customer. All hopes, dreams and panties are in a bunch for a RIM Blackberry which has been already on the market for almost a year (aka well on it’s way to antiquated, archaic, dated, moth-eaten, outdated, outmoded, out-of-date, outworn, passé, aging, obsolescent; discarded, disused, superannuated, worn-out; inoperable, unusable, unworkable, useless; dead, defunct, extinct; dormant, fallow, free, idle, inactive, inert, inoperative, latent; ancient, antediluvian, antique, fusty, musty, old, oldfangled, old-fashioned, old-time, old-world; aged, age-old, hoary, venerable; bygone, erstwhile, former, late, past; historic, historical) Soon even verizon is upgrading to the standard, open, global GSM/LTE technology, hopefully making things easier for mcWireless customers.
Keep on stroking each other verizon customers, the rest of the Globe is watching, and laughing again at the desperation of verizon customers hoping and dreaming verizon will release a decent (yet crippled of course) device for their non-standard, closed, proprietary network. We watch from our almost year old GSM RIM Curves, which operate anywhere in the world.
Now thats “the shiznit”, the FACTS, TRUTH and REALITY.
Caveat emptor, there is zero need for desperation, hopes and dreams when it comes to wireless devices from a SERVICE provider, at least those that use standard, open, global GSM technology….
You’d be in good company, at&t has the most Blackberry customers on their network.
“Your World. Delivered.”
hellno loves to attack all posters who like VZW and his usual charge is they are spreading FUD and threadcrap. He also belittles them for responding to his negative posts with insults and name calling.
However, to a first time poster who said nothing negative this is how HE responds,
“Keep on stroking each other verizon customers, the rest of the Globe is watching, and laughing again at the desperation of verizon customers hoping and dreaming verizon will release a decent (yet crippled of course) device for their non-standard, closed, proprietary network. We watch from our almost year old GSM RIM Curves, which operate anywhere in the world.”
We are stroking each other because we understand that service is what providers are all about. He doesn’t. His blind hatred of VZW is borderline demented. Hellno is the topic of conversation on several different phone blog threads as a wacko nutcase.
He hasn’t gotten it, doesn’t get it and never will get it…there are people who KNOW they receive the best phone service in there area from VZW and won’t switch to inferior service just to get a tricked out phone. They will wait. To us, service comes first and phone features second. Perhaps because we are in a business situation that depends on reliable service, perhaps because you just don’t like not getting through or dropped calls. Whatever…the service is important to us.
I suspect he lives in his mother’s basement and does not need to communicate on his cellphone outside of his limited sphere of influence and AT&T works fine in his area. GREAT…be happy. But stop bugging those of us who need reliable, dependable service in a multitude of applications and areas and thus need VZW.
We know what works for us. Stop telling us we don’t know.
I for one am thrilled that you have some toys you can play with in your room and are happy. Stay that way and leave us out in the real world alone!
Anxiously awaiting your next put down, fanboy, fud-filled response!
@ Marcus
Just ignore him. Its not worth your time.
High-5 to Marcus.
I want to talk about my hopes and dreams which is that Verizon will release the curve soon full of crippled features (that I have no use for anyway) and then I’ll have the BEST network FOR ME, and a great phone to go along with it.
Yay for all of us and our Fanboy/girl FUD!
Should we acknowledge the FACTS, TRUTH, and REALITY? Nah, let’s just stay IGNORANT and continue to GRANDSTAND here in this forum.
In reference to hellno:
“Nah, let’s just stay IGNORANT and continue to GRANDSTAND here in this forum.”
Man this makes my day of work go by faster…. lovin it.
I think it’s all good that this sad sack lives to piss in the well, I can only imagine the futility of this persons career. Office Space comes to mind- you know- the guy that keeps getting moved around.
A reminder to all, guys like hellno remind us that are social skills are in check, our personal psychology is relatively intact, and we actually have common interests like other people. The fact that hellno tyrades on every board only serves hellno any valuable purpose, a brief moment of putting other people down to make up for years of some psychological problems. Great- another one of those…
But, I have to admit- there is some value in the antichrist poster. The phone may come out only to be followed by a better BB on other networks, or it may have a failure rate higher than call attempts over on the AT&T spiderweb. These are real possibilities, however unlikely.
well i’ve had it. i went ahead and signed up with tmobile yesterday and my curve is on the way. i’m not under contract with verizon (haven’t been for more than 2 yrs!) but i’ll keep my old razr until i’m sure the tmobile network isn’t too bad in my area (washington dc). i have 20 days to send the tmobile curve back, so hopefully verizon gives us some concrete info in that time. i want to stay with verizon, but i want the curve more!!
March 7th….and No word….seriously….this is getting to be too much. Is it gonna be like….we all wake up suddenly one day and it’s released? Because one would think that there is like…sneak peaks or something….because there hasn’t been anything.
I was in a VZW store yesterday and asked about when I can upgrade my Pearl to the Curve and the guy looked confused. He said I can upgrade after 1 year, however he didn’t know anything about the Curve (and I believe it…). He looked at the manager and asked if she heard anything, she stated no, and then asked me where did I hear about it. I chuckled and told her ‘reliable sources it’s coming out in April’. Her response was that they didn’t receive the training for it…with a smile. My response to her was that they didn’t need any if they were already selling the Pearl (keyboard is the only real difference). I’ve spoken with her before and she denied the Pearl, only to have it announced by VZW the following week. My take on all this…no later than April unless something fails in testing. Something is up…their just trying to keep a straight face about it like Apple does about it’s releases.
BTW…since we’re on VZW and the BB, has anyone tried tethering a VZW BB on a MacBook Pro? I just ordered a MacBook Pro and curious if anyone has had any issues with connecting. If so, has anyone tried tethering via XP/Vista through BootCamp or Parallels or VMWare’s Fusion? I haven’t tried it yet…just curious. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
@ bluehorseshoe:
Not to be an ass… (ok well maybe…)
HowardForums/Google is your friend…
If you dont know what HowardForums is… you need to curl up in a corner and think about your pathetic life without HoFo…
@ Ben P
All is lost without HoFo… It’s the modern day Alexandria library of wireless knowledge.
@ Ben
Sorry, but I don’t sit around hitting every site/blog out there and read up on them. I hit up a few select sites and keep it at that. It’s not a profession of mine to browse all day, and my BB keeps me posted on those select few (such as this blog). As for ‘my pathetic life without HoFo’…you’ve got to be kidding. And if you’re referring to my question regarding the VZW BB linked in to a MAC, of course I know it works, but I’m looking for real world experiences since I have not tried it out personally on a MAC. Sure, I can find answers from people on other boards if I have the desire to do so, but why not ask here?
PS – and yes, Google is my friend, but not when I’m doing all of my responses, posts, etc. from my BB. My laptop isn’t on all day long, and when it is, it’s usually busy doing work.
So I know a guy who’s a manager at a Verizon store. I asked him “when”… and he said, “The power’s the be say that the 8330 should be out by the end of the month.”
At this point, everything is pointing to very late March/Early April. I’m content with that, so I’ll wait it out until then. I’m just glad we’re past the point of speculating whether VZW is even releasing the curve.
Oh yes… I’m glad we’re through that awkward phase of wondering where our relationship is… haha… now we know… but like any good relationship, it takes time… sometimes too much time but whatever… haha. Well the battle for the VZW Curve is almost over… now all we have to look forward to is the makeup sex.
Hellno, just stop commenting. As someone who is trying to find out relevant info on the release of the curve, I find you add nothing to this thread, instead detracting from it.
I’m pretty sure he hasn’t commented on this thread since 3/7. Not that I’m defending him in any way… from what I understand it’s best to just ignore him…
GBVZ is a homo.
What does that stand for anyways? Gays Bi-s for Verizon?
This is old news, but at least VZW has the Curve in their inventory system now, even if it does show 0 in stock. That pretty much means we won’t be waiting much longer at all.
@ LP
where did you see that they had it in their inventory system? Could I trouble you for a link?
alledgedly hellno said:
“GBVZ is a homo.
What does that stand for anyways? Gays Bi-s for Verizon?
*insert wacky laugh soundtrack here*
Gosh, I bet you thought of that lame and completely unnecessary comeback for hours.
I don’t even think this is ‘hellno’ anyway. The post was too short and was lacking in his key phrases such as “FUD, IGNORANCE, GRANSTANDING, TRUTH, FACTS…etc.
Just spoke to a Verizon store here in NJ. He told me that he hasn’t gotten any emails or announcements yet regarding the Curve.
He said that they usually get an email ahead of time regarding the launch of a new phone.
I am hoping that they release it soon. I am considering ATT if verizon does not release it by next week.
haha… I was just going to let that lame hellno post go… come to think of it NV, it was very uncharacteristic of hellno. Do we have a phantom hellno out there?
*insert “ooooooo” in ghostlike voice here*
Well, personally, I had people I know at VZW look it up in the system. Others have as well. Here is the thread:
Just spoke with my rep in ATL who says they are expecting early to mid-May. Unless, of course, there are unanticipated problems during the testing phase. . .
Does anyone here actually like Howard Forum? I find it very cluttered and somewhat annoying how you navigate through out it. Granted the information is some what more genuine than most forums due to the commitment of the posters, but overall I find it non-user friendly.
I’m a member at Howard forum…or ‘HoFo’ as they call it. I think it’s broken down quite nicely since theres a section for everything, it makes it a little easier to go straight to an area of interest. I guess it seems cluttered because there’s so many threads and information/questions. It’s a very large forum, so it definitely takes some getting used to. I’m pretty new there as far as posting goes, but I’ve looked around ever there to get some information from time to time.
I guess it just depends on what you’re used to. I like this forum too, it’s just set up differently. I think it just takes some getting used to, like I said. it is a little overwhelming though.
@ PB,
I love HoFo. I don’t find it cluttered at all. In fact, I find it extremely easy to navigate through. Once you get used to the site, everything is right in front of you. It may SEEM cluttered because of the vast amount of info posted, but everything is categorized, especially so in the VZW forums.
Moreover, the info there is light years better and more solid than just about any other forum and many of the people that post on there are the ones who provide info to BGR, Engadget, etc.
Also, there are mods there that cut off tools like “hellno” from spewing his rhetoric over and over and over again and that also are very good at keeping threads on track.
… and I might add that if “hellno” wishes to keep spewing, on HoFo there are specific threads made for that purpose. Pretty much just general bitch-fest type threads.
I might add that if “hellno” wishes to keep spewing, on HoFo there are specific threads made for that purpose. Pretty much just general bitch-fest type threads.
I also heard from a Verizon rep that Curve is coming out next month (April). The 8830 keyboard was totally unmanageable…
The only reason I did not switch from VZW to ATT wireless is because with ATT, their insurance program won’t cover the Curve. Verizon’s insurance program has not limited its coverage on Blackberry models in the past. So, I am really hoping they come out with this device soon. The Pearl is nice, but the screen is a bit too small for my eyes.
Verizon Rep told me this morning that the curve is coming out in April. He say’s he has been holding off from buying the current ones too and cant wait for the curve next month.
Hello everyone, I’ve been tracking the comments here for a while. I just got a flier in the mail from VZW about a one-time-only offer to upgrade my normal phone to a BB Pearl ’til the end of the month. Thus, I doubt they’re releasing the Curve before that offer ends. They’re probably trying to clear their inventory to reduce loss.
eager do you still have that email by any chance? I just upgraded last Saturday to the Pearl, and didn’t get any real discounts even though its my first new phone in 25 months…typical Verizon. If you still check out this forum could you please let me know and possibly forward that email to me? Thanks!
I am so close to switching to AT&T. Verizon has the worst devices out there. One set of releases per year is not enough now-a-days. Where the hell is the Curve???
Just visited a Verizon store. The rep told me that they are releasing the curve in April. I already got 8830. Can’t wait for the curve.
Like many, I was like a deer trapped in Verizon’s headlights. Fortunately, I tried AT&T in a heads up comparison. After being in seven cities in six states, it’s VZW 8.2, AT&T 8.0 on a scale of 1-10. So guess what? Good bye VZW! Putting up with your quiet arrogance is no longer worth 0.2. You are fired. CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW!?!
I just spoke with Verizon CS, and they said the phone will be out this Friday, May 9th. 🙂
Already got my phone in the mail today, activated, love it!!! Killer phone!