Joe from BBGeeks has the insider track on the upcoming CDMA BlackBerry Curve that may be a lot closer to shipping than a lot of us think. Joe doesn’t haven any pictures yet, however, his insider gave him a pretty good description of what the device will look like.
The CDMA BlackBerry Curve supposedly will look like the BlackBerry 8830. It will be a bit lighter, a little shorter at the base and the top, and be made of rubber and plastic, however, the big take away is that it will look almost “identical to the 8830″…
I hope to goodness that this isn’t true. Personally, I don’t mind how the BlackBerry 8830 looks. The keyboard, on the other hand, feels like… Lets just say that I think that the BlackBerry 8830 has the worst designed keyboard of any device that RIM has ever released.
hmm… closer than we think eh?
what do you guys think… I’m up for my new-every-2 on March 5. Should I wait?
…or just get the Pearl then sell it once I get the Curve…
Hmm, I actually like the keyboard on my 8830 but this is really the first smart phone I’ve had that I use all the time. What am I missing?
I completely agree. The 8830 has a terrible keyboard. I am using the 8703 and like the keyboard. My new every two is up, but I don’t want to upgrade to the 8830 because of the keyboard. I’ve played with the Curve at an AT&T store and the keyboard is much more like the 8703.
I hope this report is incorrect!
A lot off people think, especially guys with big hands, that the keys on the the 8800 series BlackBerrys are too close together.
Well I’m a young pup with small-ish hands and fingers… and where I can see why some people wouldn’t like the 8830’s style keyboard… it doesnt bother me that much.
The lack of keyboard backlighting would be a bummer as well…
I also heard the 8830’s internet browser navigation lacks a “cursor” like what is available on the 8130… I hope this doesnt stay the case for the 8330…
I would guess that since it’ll be the curve, it’ll be the curve. To the average user, the 8830 and 8300 do look almost identical. I don’t know who his “insider” is, but I would expect most CSRs to describe it as “like the 8830.”
I certainly hope that this is the case…
Thanks for picking this up, Robb.
I just talked to my gal, and she says that the keyboard is like that of the 8300 Curve. Just to put you guys at ease 🙂
Thank Goodness… 🙂 🙂 🙂
Very cool!
Yeah thanks for pickin this up Robb – you turned me onto another BB site I didn’t know about (bbgeeks) in the process.
Thanks for your update Joe. GPS is a must-have for me.
As already pointed out, this doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. I can see Verizon making it a “World Phone” and/or using the same color scheme, making it appear similar to the 8830. This is what they did with the Pearl 2 (except for the “World Phone” feature, of course). But I presume that the physical body of the phone will be the same or extremely similar–just as the 8700c is similar to, but not exactly, the 8703e–to the previous 8300 series releases, especially because the Curve has a camera. I have no “inside scoop” on this, just common sense and a look back at history.
The VZW Curve will look like the 8830 in COLOR (it is silver and black if that hasn’t already been said earlier). It has the same keyboard as the GSM Curves. Will have GPS, but it will be locked for VZ Nav (just like the Pearl – according to a RIM rep).
Some of the RIM reps at the VZW annual kickoffs had prototypes on them (the ones that say PROPERTY OF RIM) on the back. It’s still set for Q2 release. There are a lot of solid insiders that have posted on Howard Forums.
Here’s a great thread:
#11. February 4th, 2008, at 4:22 PM.
“GPS is a must-have for me.”
Better look for another provider if “GPS is a must-have”:
Verizon Quietly Disables BlackBerry GPS
“BlackBerry installed the same GPS chips that enable other tracking devices to work, independent of a cell signal. And that is apparently what has Verizon nervous—the company wouldn’t make any money from the BlackBerry map software. Verizon will say only that the BlackBerry app hasn’t passed its tests, which it claims are more strenuous than other carriers”
“Verizon has a history of this behavior, having crippled the Bluetooth functions on its cellphones, too. The carrier says it will restore the GPS function later this year, probably to sell us for-pay navigation services such as its own $10-a-month version. I’m stuck with this company-issued phone and am generally happy with Verizon as a carrier. But its smarmy approach has left a bad taste. As much as I’ll be tempted to use my phone for GPS, I’ll resist—if it means paying Verizon.”
Verizon’s actions are anti-consumer, anti-RIM, and big picture anti-verizon. Time to wake up and smell the TRUTH vealots.
Sounds like we are getting close to the Curve. And my contract is up in April so it is all falling together nicely. As far as GPS, who knows what VZW will do on this model. In any event, I have a Garmin, so no worries in my case.
“Will The CDMA BlackBerry Curve Look Like The 8830?”
Sure why not, it make sense, why should RIM spend any more than they have to when it comes to verizon and it’s crippling of RIM’s blackberry’s? RIM is smart to dust off and use a old design for verizon and save the R&D money for it’s standard, open, global, GSM products.
That is only IF RIM is making a cdma BB Curve and IF verizon allows it’s customers to own one.
I agree with a lot of if not all of what you say, as I might jump ship if at&t releases a 3G, QWERTY Berry before or around the same time VZW releases the Curve.
I don’t mean any offense, but you’re kind of beating a dead horse. This has been discussed and brought to VZW’s attention time and time again. They will progressively get better with it, but like with all things VZW it will take time. Again, I don’t agree with what they do either.
Another thing – this is a VZW Curve thread – and it kind of seems as though you are trolling a bit with the anti-VZW rhetoric. It seems as with every new device VZW releases, this same topic always seems to come up. Which, in all reality, is 100% VZW’s fault.
On the other hand, directed at people potentially coming from GSM carriers that aren’t used to the crippling, this is a good forewarning.
No offense taken but the only way to fix the verizon crippling is make everyone aware of it and let customers, and RIM fans FORCE verizon to do the right thing.
Yes it is a verizon thread so when a fellow RIMarkable member makes a can’t happen comment like:
#11. February 4th, 2008, at 4:22 PM.
“GPS is a must-have for me.”
Like you said “forewarning” RIMarkable readers and blackberry customers to the TRUTH.
Hellno, I too agree that you make valid arguments, but I wish you had the ability to point out some of the positive things about VZW, as well as some of the negatives regarding AT&T/T-Mobile. You do neither, and this tends to invalidate your points. Instead of seeming like a well-informed consumer, you come off like a nutter.
Greg B,
On the contrary… A “nutter” would be the consumer which continues to pay verizon to provide them communication service even when they know the TRUTH about verizon crippling and removing functions and features from their handsets.
As pointed out verizon’s games and not good for anyone, including themselves. verizon’s action’s have alot to do with the lack of blackberry and other top tier handsets available on their network. There is no point to a good network when the service provider is constantly caught crippling and lying about the definition of unlimited. These are anti-consumer actions, verizon’s actions also hurt RIM (and other top tier handset providers), both of which are unacceptable.
You sure WILL NOT see verizon using “An Educated Consumer is Our Best Customer.” as part of their slogan.
History has shown Well-Educated Consumers can force change, and try to wake up the sheep.
Both are needed to solve the problem which is verizon.
C’mon. Say something positive about VZW. You can do it.
I recently spoke to a Sprint Corporate Sales person. The word they have from RIM is Sprint is testing the Curve and hopes for a release by the end of Winter or early Spring. Nothing set in stone as to when but he did say it is coming.
my boss had a curve.
now he has an 88xx from Verizon (don’t know the model nbr).
I asked him how he compares the keyboard of the 88xx device to the Curve.
He just blinked and said “no difference”.
(to him)
Friends of mine didn’t like the iPhone keyboard.
I can rock on the iPhone keyboard.
I understand your point of complaining about VZW crippling their services, but if you think they are a substandard service provider, you are wrong. They have just, once again, come in at the top of customer satisfaction ratings, both with JD Power and another cell phone rating company. Just because they don’t have the best phones and the most bells and whistles, some people would prefer to have good customer service and more coverage than the coolest phone that doesn’t work unless you are in the middle of NY or another big city. AT&T doesn’t have good coverage, this is a well known fact, and that’s why some people, especially corporate types who have to travel a lot, stick with VZW. You have brought to the attention of everyone that VZW cripples the GPS function of their phones, but you seem to be the only one that has had their life changed by the fact.
I must admit that I agree with many of your sentiments towards Verizon and recently switched to AT&T so that I could get the BlackBerry Curve.
I am sad to report, however, that I am switching back to Verizon while in my 30 day grace period to cancel with AT&T simply becasue AT&T doesn’t offer the coverage that I have come to depend on for my business.
I’ve determined that a BlackBerry 8830 with coverage is better than a BlackBerry Curve without.
What happened to Q1!?!? Q2 now…boo!!
ah. what’s another RIMarkable comment thread without hellno. I would almost be offended if he wasn’t hear to try and debunk my Verizon loving ways.
I don’t see why GPS wouldn’t be available on this phone since it’s available on the Pearl and readily available on a lot of their other new handsets… even if it is tied to their pay-per-use VZnav – which I love. It has saved my ass more times that I can recall because I have a horrible sense of direction when I’m traveling.
I’m curious sir/mam. If you hate Verizon so… who is your carrier/device of choice?
I too am looking forward to the release. As for hellno, just ignore him and he may go away. If not, we will see post after post, quoting links, with TRUTH and FUD as constant themes.
Gotta agree with Robb…deivce would be nice, but if they do go with the 8830 keyboard, oh boy. I personally didn’t have a difficult time using the keyboard, but certainly found the other Curve models to be easier to use. Then again, I have a Pearl, so a cramped keyboard isn’t exactly going to ruin the entire device for me. Looking forward to seeing what VZW comes out with…
Bought 8830, used it for 10 days, returned it. Unhappy with 8830 keyboard, soft vibration, & soft ringtone.
Does anyone know if 8330 is a world edition?
Received a little bit of an update today. The Curve is in it’s final stages of testing and Verizon is “pushing for a late March release”.
For some reason I see April as more viable but March would be nice…
Holy Crap Hellno!! In response to your rants on another related thread . . .
The bottom line about ANY Cell carrier is that they ALL suck, they all lie, and they all have secrets they want to keep from the general public. Like anything, you just have to find the carrier that sucks the least for you. It’s not about anything more than that. Ignorance has nothing to do with it . . . it’s not a conspiracy, Verizon isn’t out to get anyone . . . they are a company making money and getting people to use their service. AT&T chose to be more of a cell phone vendor than a service provider . . . it’s pretty simple. CDMA may be on it’s way out, however . . . I’d be VERY surprised if one of the LARGEST carriers would sit back and let their company just fade away with old technology. So to rant about CDMA becoming obsolete is a pretty ignorant statement in itself. FYI in comparision AT&T’s “edge” network doesn’t hold a candle to Verizon’s 1XEVDO network, I have been told that by coworkers who subscribe to AT&T and say they wish they had Verizons’ EVDO, But just as everything changes so does technology, and to think that GSM is the end all be all to cell phone technology is not only ignorant . . . it’s arrogant as well. I live in the NY Metro area, and have my CHOICE of providers and after trying several different networks (including my extensive US travel) Verizon has been a very CONSISTANT carrier, where others have been very spotty or UNRELIABLE . . . and unfortunately, AT&T was on the unreliable list (especially when traveling). I’m not going to say that Verizon has an unblemished record, or that I haven’t had my dissagreements with them (because I have). But they have at times gone out of the way to make things right for me, and even called me to discuss my bill and figure out a more cost effective plan for me . . . actually SAVING me money and reducing my monthly service and then pro-rating back a few months and giving me a credit. I’m not saying other companies don’t or haven’t done that. What I do know is that they did that for me . . . hence keeping me happy.
Union busting? Belonging to 3 different TV Unions . . . I would have to say I could care less if they were. Belonging to my unions doesn’t do much for me other than to provide me with a hall pass and allow me to work at certain venues. If I had my choice, I’d do away with all of my unions. Unions in todays day and age or at least in my line of work are not what Unions used to be. But if I remember corectly this is a BB blog page about the updates and possible release of the Curve . . . .
SO please, have a glass of milk, sit back and enjoy your cell service. All the pissing and moaning you do isn’t going to get people to say “hmmmmm . . . . . maybe I should jump to a different carrier?” ESPECIALLY if they are in areas that OTHER carriers don’t bother to try and put coverage in. Like a post said earlier, how do you know who’s best in other peoples living area’s . . . you don’t. So relax . . . picket Verizon for union busting if it makes you feel better . . . . write or call your congressman and tell him how GREAT your service is and what a horrible enemy Verizon is. And guess what, tomorrow, Verizon ads will stil be on TV and they will still be signing (and possibly losing) some customers, as will EVERY OTHER cell carrier out there.
All that being said . . . any new info on a release date? (lol)
Verizon is switching to LTE in approx 2010, in other words they won’t fade but will be ahead of the pack technology-wise. At&t is switching to LTE as well, but I do not know the time frame for them.
Here is a little overview of what LTE is: