There have been rumors and rumblings via social media that BlackBerry could be releasing another tablet. According to an article over at , BlackBerry has a confirmed a new tablet in the works.

If BlackBerry was to release a new tablet I’m sure they would get it right this time but does it make sense from a business perspective? With the release of the BlackBerry Blend software which allows you to run the software on a PC, Mac, iPad and Android tablets, will there really be a need for another BlackBerry tablet?

I for one would love to see a new tablet from BlackBerry but that’s just me. With the BlackBerry 10 Operating System combined with the ability to run a majority of Android applications, this could be a big positive for BlackBerry. I think about security first and apps second when it comes to the devices I choose to use.

Should BlackBerry release a new tablet? Let us know what you think in the poll below.