Most of the consumer base in the United States still have no idea that BlackBerry continues to make devices. It’s a shame but hey what can you say, it is what it is at this point. Not only is BlackBerry still making devices, they are making very good devices as well.
The BlackBerry Z3 is the latest BlackBerry device out today. While not available in all countries, this device as all the specs needed to satisfy the average consumer and more.
BlackBerry will continue to show a slow growth and still has a lot of gas left in the tank. Recently a device release roadmap was provided showing that not only is BlackBerry far from dead but they are actually ready to provide the enterprise customer and consumer base some brand new heat.
We will see what the future of BlackBerry has to offer as far as new devices are concerned, but in the meantime check out the video below for the BlackBerry Z3 unboxing and review. Enjoy!