One of my biggest knocks on the iPhone is that fact that it runs on AT&T’s slow EDGE network. Word on TheStreet.com, however, is that a 3G model of the iPhone could come out as early as Q1 next year.
The new 3G iPhone is expected to include features like global positioning for navigation services.
In fact, sources say Apple has tapped Broadcom’s Global Locate unit to supply chips for the phone.
Its tough to knock the iPhone knowing 3G was set aside in favor of faster and cheaper WiFi (and for various other good reasons) 3G is not as open, as standard as Global GSM edge. The edge network is acceptable on the iPhone when WiFi is not available. The “it’s not 3G” is only a fan boyz cry since there is nothing negative to say about the iPhone. Lets take this a little further, whats the number one complaint about Nokia’s N95? Battery life. Why? because 3G currently needs alot more battery to operate.
Here is the truth from Mr. Job’s about the topic
Hey since this is RIMarkable how come RIM hasn’t gone with 3G technology and so far BB’s are only available on edge too? Certainly can’t fault RIM being in agreement with Apple on this topic. But then when the real truth is pointed out the fan boys got nothing to say. Over a million iPhone consumers since the end of June are not wrong. Makes any arguments rather weak…..
While I have no doubt that a 3G iPhone will eventually be released, I doubt it would be as early as Q1 2008. For one, I don’t think Apple will want to anger all of the new iPhone customers they will pick up around holiday season.
Plus, the source of this rumor is also reported to have no track history in being accurate in their predictions.
I will say one thing: once the iPhone does get GPS and location based services, they will do it right, just like they have done with the Google Maps app.
I have to disagree with all this. I have yet to buy and refuse to buy an iPhone simply because there is no GPS or 3G in it. I have considered a BB because of GPS. However most have no camera which is big for me. That again is a huge downfall to the iPhone MMS messaging not being available. I think the iPhone is a good start, but it is not revolutionary by any means. Hopefully the next generation gives MMS, GPS, and 3G. To me it truly is amazing then. I would get it then. The BB is damn close with the only thing lacking in a Curve is GPS and 3G not to mention the extremely superior email capability. I know there are bluetooth GPS receivers, but it’s not the same. Don’t say 3G is useless as I use my BJ ALL the time for faster connections tethering and such. And wifi really isn’t nearly as available as a good 3G connection is in major cities. The Nokia N95 is the closest there is to perfection right now, but it is huge. The new one coming out is looking to be promising though.