Want a date? Buy a BlackBerry!

I was in an establishment that serves sudsy beverages with a few friends the other night. There were 5 of us sitting at a table in lively conversation about the differences between the 3-4 and the 4-3 D-Line/Linebacker sets. All of a sudden, a nice looking business...

RIMarkable had server issues over the weekend

I just wanted to let everyone know that I accidentally deleted some posts while doing maintenance this passed weekend but I was able to restore everything from a backup less comments on the last post. Two lessons were learned. Make sure you read a dialogue boxes when...

I am worried just a bit about Research in Motion

For those of you that read RIMarkable on a regular basis you know that I am a die-hard BlackBerry fanatic, but, I have to admit that I am a bit worried about Research in Motion. Today marks the day that in many ways, may change the way that we think about wireless...

BlackBerry Connect is starting to come around

Research in Motion and Maxis Communications, a premier telecommunications company in Malaysia, today announced the availability of BlackBerry Connect for the Sony Ericsson P910i in Malaysia.  BlackBerry Connect allows you to use a device other than a BlackBerry...